"I'll toss to ya one of these days"

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Those were the last words of Miya Atsumu towards Hinata, who, surprised, downplayed them. The one who took those words seriously was Kageyama, making a bitter look to the blond twin. Anyway, the nationals continue and our crows move on.

The years passed, Tobio and Shoyo finally confessed to each other and started dating, but unfortunately this could not last more than the two years they had left in school, since they would follow different paths, so they decided that this would be the best for both of them. Kageyama will join the national volleyball team, while Hinata will embark on a journey to the other end of the world.

Throughout all these years the duo did not lose contact. Hinata was the one who was most aware of the other, watched all his games and was the one who used to send the first message, regarding his training, all the work he did was nothing more or less than his self-realization, he wanted to improve day by day due to his passion for volleyball. On the other hand, as we know, Kageyama finds it difficult to be expressive, in addition to intense training and few free moments, he seemed to be the coldest one, but in training the only thing he had in mind was to keep getting better so that when he met Shoyo, he saw how much he had improved, like a little boy who wants to be recognized.

Meanwhile, the cunning and very stubborn fox couldn't get that little crow out of his head. After being disappointed that his twin would not continue in the sport, Hinata became his new motivation, his new obsession, he needed toss to him.
Hinata returned to Japan to become part of the "black jackals" team
Of course this was not random. Yes, the shrimpy fulfill the expectations that the team was looking for, but atsumu had been suggesting bokuto since he realized that he called him "disciple" and from there he was planting the seed for him to be invited.

Practice after practice, they were getting better and better. They already had nicknames for each one, they saw each other after training, they hung out, they became close...
At this point Miya had understood that it was not obsession or admiration what he felt towards Hinata, but something else ... he could have had the worst day but just seeing him turned into a good day, his smile was so brilliant that he put it on good mood automatically, and surprisingly for the rest of the team, it was with the only one who was not sarcastic.
The news that they would face "schweiden adlers" excited everyone, but even more so Hinata in particular. After all these years he'll met Kageyama once again in the court but this time in the other side of the net.

Thank you so much for getting here! Tomorrow I will upload the second part.
I hope you are enjoying it <3
Love ya Cocó~~~~

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