What's behind all this?

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Kageyama was on fire, he made strong combinations with Ushijima every time that Hinata was in the front of the field, breaking the opponents block.
Hinata perfectly remembered the harshness of the ex-shiratorizawa's shots, as well as how Tsukishima had been able to stop him. He tried doing the same trick, leaving a small space in the block on purpose, so that he points there and at the last moment cover it, but of course this was not the same Ushiwaka from years ago and he was not Tsuki. The ball went through the hand causing a slight injury to his fingers, it was nothing too serious, so he said nothing and they continued with the game.

After a series of painful failed blocks they managed to break the momentum. Despite the fact that it was a good service, it was not very difficult for the eagles to return it in a very uncomfortable place, the jackals managed to pass the ball, forcing Kageyama to save it from below, who had the second touch, made a perfect toss, which he had practiced for moments like this, for Kageyama (who was boiling in fury after seeing for a fraction of seconds the duo in front of him). He made his stronger spike, crashing in Hinata's hand and flying out the area. With a scary smirk like he's enjoying it, returned to his position.

The game continued that way ... every time the little one was in front, mostly strong shots from Ushijima and Kageyama (because these surprisingly became more frequent), every time he was in defense and it was the turn of Tobio to serve, he pointed at Hinata.
From the outside it is seen that something has against Hinata, because of course, the attacks used to be aimed at him, unless that is a silly option and damages the game. But truly he had nothing against him, he just wanted to show that he was better ... that he was the best option ... he wanted to show that it was a mistake not to choose him. It was not against Hinata, it was against Atsumu, and against himself for not being enough.

Match point, one more point and everything would be over. This was one of those moments in which the play becomes eternal, the second lasts minutes, and the despair is so strong that if you let yourself be carried away by it you're done.
The ball came and went from one side of the court to the other, they were exhausted but neither team was going to allow the ball to touch the ground. Ushijima spike but they manage to make a touch and save it, they counterattack with a minus tempo, which is saved by little and forces Kageyama to make the final spike, which is saved by Hinata who is in defense, but had so much power that he made him fall , quickly gets up and prepares to attack, but Bokuto ends it with an aura of "don't stop paying attention to me". The ball touches the end of the blockers' fingers and flies off, they try to reach it but fail. Match is over.

After drinking some water and eating an energy bar, while they waited for the bus to arrive to return, Atsumu had sat on a bench far from the rest of the team, because with how exhausted he was, he didn't know if he would be able to bear the nonsense of Bokuto.
Hinata passed by and when he saw him sitting he just decided to get closer.
-"Aaaah that was a good game, they are not the favorites for nothing..." He gave a slight yawn and almost fell right next to the setter.
-"Yes, so damn eli..." He noticed the little boy nodding. "Hey... if you're that tired I can wake you up when the bus arrives"
-"Oh would you? *yawn* Since that time I listen loudly and clearly to my body, I don't want to overexert it and regret it later "
-"You always said weird things or is it some kind of achievement acquired in the years you were away haha" He smirk.
-"Haha yes ... the volleyball ball felt so good ... I want to eat pork buns ..." muttering a few more inconsistencies he went into a deep sleep.
-"You're unbelievable..." He watched him without realizing the kind of expression on his face, taking advantage of the situation he moved a little closer and tugged gently so that it fell onto his shoulder. He noticed the blood on the bandages on his fingers, took them caressing them and ended by interlacing them with his own.

A few minutes later he heard the sound of someone approaching the bench where they were ...

A few minutes later he heard the sound of someone approaching the bench where they were

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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