Chapter 5: have we met?

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The breeze blew crushing the leaves of the tree softly as the two girls walking toward the town nearby. The land full of trees started to clear its ground. The town must be nearby.

As they walk, lixelink feels something lurking around them. She looks around - scanning the area. Suddenly,she felt something... Something familiar. A strong magical force.

"Heya kiddos" a friendly voice of a male greet us from behind. We turned to our back and saw 2 guys around 18 - 20 years old. The funny thing is, we know who they are. Especially Azuchi...

"D-dead-l-ox?! S-ky?! " she screamed in shock. Well, shes not wrong. Here they are.

//Lixe POV

Sky with his black and grey jumpers and glowy purple amulet around his neck. And Deadlox with his white t-shirt and black headphones with green details.

"Hey... Well this is kinda unusual for a YouTuber to be here" I said but then seems...confuse.

"Youtube? You mean minetube?" Sky asked. wait.. .what? Mine what? Well, It took me a minute to understand what's going on but i can tell azuchi kinda having some trouble processing the situation. "Az, this is another universe. Some youtubers will have their avatar but having theirs own life! " I explain to her. Her face lit up. "DUDEEEE ISN'T THAT MEAN.....??"


She grips my shoulders and gets me near to her in a swift.

"Is that mean the avatar will have the alter ego traits" She whispers to me - trying to hide her fangirling self. What she's saying to be honest made me think for a while... This is an alternate and different universe... We both stare at them for a second and kinda... Back off a bit.

Deadlox saw us backed off and tilt his head. "Guys, you don't have to be scared. We are here to say hi and welcome you guys to be here" he said with a friendly tone.

Sky look at me with his shaded eyes. There's a weird aura lurking around him but it's not dangerous...

It's welcoming for some reason.

"How did you guys know we're from somewhere else?" azuchi hold her sword in ready position. The situation is kinda suspicious. I calm her down and look at her. "I think they know who we are." I turned my head to them and speak "are you guys... More than humans? Are you gonna kill us?"

Sky gives us a friendly smirk.

"What? Nooo- we're here to welcome you to our town" he bows and looks at me.

"Lixelink Amulet"

This is getting suspicious and kinds of confusing. Amulet is not my  Family name...  "What do you mean by Lixelink Amulet? It's not a name... I think ys guys got the wrong person" I jokingly said and he nods. "I guess. You look like someone," He fixes his sunglasses for a bit. This guy to be honest seems friendly yet hiding something.  My mind trying my best to tell me to just run but...

My soul said otherwise.

Deadlox then offers us to stay a bit at their base nearby the village. I can tell it is not just a normal base of players. Hell no. By the looks of the proud budder lord, I could tell it is his Sky base where the sky armies at. Azuchi legitly turned from curious to excited child and to be real, i am too. This world is so different and it is the combination of the fanfics of the avatars. WHAT NOT TO GET EXCITED?!

  "Come on, you guys must be tired," he said as he helps me carries the bag I was carrying. "Hei, Adam," i spoke. He looks at me in surprise. "So you do know me. I was weirden out why are you guys so afraid of me and ty"  the shaded man giggles and pat my shoulder. "You don't have to be scared kiddo cause I- tHe BuDdEr LoRd will protect you"

   I burst into laughter. God, he is still the same Adam as in our world. "Good joke adam. Good one" I said as I trying to catch my breath. "It's funny how I feel like we know each other. I never even met you. Have we met before? Nah...I never even see 'YOU' "

    He looks aside "Heh, We never met. But we do have something in common." he taps on the amulet around her chest and move further forward- leaving me in total confusion.


   //third POV

  A man stalking the group not far away above the oak trees. The glowing eyes in his face shine glimmer as he sees the shaded guy  to the girls toward the base. "Everything according to plan. Oh, Liyana... If only you knew her time already come... "

  "Sky,Ty- Try talk and bond to them . Own their trust a bit, especially our main target. After that, we can accomplish the first phase."

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