•SIX•Coincidence? I Think Not.•

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Though light was streaming in through the windows, providing for a very peaceful awakening, the morning sun was not the thing that woke up Patton and Logan. It was the ding of a notification on Logan's phone.

Both of their eyes opened, and Patton yawned, scooting slightly closer to his husband.

"Morning, Lo," Patton greeted groggily, not bothering to lift his head from Logan's chest as Logan reached over to their nightstand to grab his phone.

"Good morning, love."

Logan gently ruffled Patton's hair as he opened his phone. It was a text. A text from Matt's number, but apparently, not from Matt at all.

"I- Holy shit." Logan muttered, his eyes widening as he stared at something on his screen. The tiredness seemed to leave his body, he was jolted awake.

"What? What's wrong? What happened?" Patton lifted his head up from Logan's chest, confused.


Logan silently debated whether or not he wanted to inform Patton about this. He seemed to be having a hard time coping with Remy being out of prison, he wouldn't like this news. This text, that had been sent from Matt's number.

Hello, I am contacting you in regards to the owner of this phone. I regret to inform you that this person seems to have died from an overdose on antioxidants and it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide any information about this person that you can, including their previous warabouts and who they may have been with. Thank you.

Especially since Logan... really didn't buy it, to be honest. He himself had tried to use melatonin on Remy back in high school- he couldn't help but think that a sudden overdose on such an uncommon drug wasn't Matt's doing.

Logan sighed. He really shouldn't be keeping secrets from his husband- and he wasn't sure how he could possibly cover this one up, anyway.

"...Here, read the message."

Logan hesitantly handed the phone to his husband, who squinted his eyes as he tried to read it, his vision blurry without his glasses to help him see. Every word that Patton read made his eyes get wider and his eyebrows raise higher, until eventually he got to the end and his jaw was agape, too.

And that's when Patton remembered what he had done last night.

The antioxidant capsule pills, opened up and sprinkled right into Matt's soup. The soup that he ate, and thanked Patton for because it was so good and he had enjoyed it so much. Matt practically thanked him for his death without knowing, and that was terrifyingly depressing.

Patton's breath grew shakey as he slowly handed the phone back to his husband. Logan started typing away, probably talking about what had happened the night before to give whoever had found the phone some good ideas on what was happening.

What even had happened? Did Matt collapse in the middle of the street? Did he ever make it home? Did he get to say goodbye to his family and friends? Did he get a good use out of his life as a whole?

Patton tried to swallow his thoughts, but the pill was just too large.

...That's a bad pun. That's a really bad pun.

"The paramedics tell me that Matt had an almost empty bottle of antioxidants sitting on his bathroom counter, so they think he might have overdosed on them before he went to bed. His body was found when his neighbor that he always talks to in the morning didn't see him emerge from his apartment, and- Pat, are you alright?"

Logan stopped mid-explanation to see Patton, shaking. Patton's hands slowly found his ears, clasping over them, as he tried to calm himself down.

Thoughts raced through his head. At first they were warning him that he had been caught in the act, he'd go to jail, Logan would leave him, his whole life was now ruined. But he listened to Logan's words.

The paramedics thought he overdosed.

Which meant that Patton's ass was saved by sheer coincidence.

Patton gulped, bringing his hands down from his ears and instead covering his face with them. Oh, god, he had murdered someone. He was a murderer. A filthy, disgusting murderer. All in the name of saving his husband from harm.

"Hey, Patton, come here. I know this is a lot to take in right now."

And Logan didn't even know it. Logan didn't know Patton had killed Matt. Which meant that through Patton's terrorizing thoughts he had to keep up the act of being a completely innocent, lovable person who would never hurt a fly, even if the fly had practically threatened to greatly harm Logan.

Patton leaned into the sudden touch of his husband wrapping his arms around him, and he sighed loudly, staring to hiccup through the tears that were now falling from his eyes. Logan hugged him tightly as his mind raced, too.

Logan was still confused. Matt seemed to be acting normal, and Logan was unaware of Matt ever being depressed or having any sort of mental condition that would lead him to do this. The thought of medicine made Logan shudder with memories of wanting to bash Remy's head against a toilet seat. He was mostly sure he didn't want to do that anymore, thought he just wished Remy could go back to jail so he'd stop terrorizing Patton. He just wanted Patton to be happy- that's all he had ever wanted, really.

Patton was also confused. He lived a semi-normal life, in a suburban neighborhood with a husband and, hopefully some day, a child. What could have lead him to do this? Patton was always a bit of the jealous type, but just a bit, not enough to do something as big as this. And it surely wasn't jealously that drove him to this. Patton wasn't all that worried about Logan falling in love with another man, he was worried about Remy getting his disgusting, murderous hands on Logan. But why couldn't Patton have just kept calm? Had the intrusive thoughts finally got to him? Had he been repressing all thoughts that weren't "good" for way too long? Had he missed the many opportunities he had had to open up and get help before he could have done something like this?

...When he first found out about the death of five of his high school friends, and stayed with Logan for a few weeks, did Logan's uncertainty about Patton's feelings possibly make things worse? Logan had just wanted Patton to be happy during that time, but since he never really understood emotions that well, he thought that doing things Patton liked and completely ignoring the bad stuff would help. He thought that pretending like the horrible stuff didn't even exist would only do Patton good. Patton never truly got the opportunity to vent, and eventually this put him in the mindset that he just shouldn't. Was avoiding the problem guaranteeing more problems in the future?

Had Logan actually caused part of Patton's repression?

...He didn't want to think about that.

But one thing was for sure, Patton needed to talk to someone. And he was too scared to talk to his husband.

Who else could possibly be there for him in a time like this, though? Who knew Patton well enough to be able to keep him sane in a time like this? Who could Patton talk to and release just enough information, being able to get to the point without sounding like an absolute psychopath? Patton's life revolved around Logan completely. So if he couldn't vent to his husband, he'd have to choose the next best person.


It's shaping. The story is shaping. This story is like some pizza dough or some shit, I'm molding it into a giant sad pizza. I don't know what that means. What do you want on your pizza-story? A dash of fluff, you say? Sorry, we're all out, I'll just dump a dozen or so heaping handfuls of angst on there instead, that'll make up for it, I'm sure.

See ya in the next chapter!💕

Yours- Yandere!Logicality, Book 2 (Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now