Chapter 19: The Defining Moment

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"How long have you been there again? It feels like it's been ages since we've even hung out." Aubrey asked her as Chloe sighed her affirmation over the phone as she was in the backyard again. "I think it's been about a couple of weeks, I'm not even counting to be honest." Aubrey chuckled as she too was relaxing in her own home garden. "Oh I bet, that house looks amazing, if the pictures you've sent me of it is anything to go by. So, how's your luck with patient zero?" Chloe smiled as she shook her head in amusement at Aubrey's teasing towards Beca. "Well I still have no luck on pinpointing just one illness that she's displaying so far. Which is not a good thing. On the other hand though, we have been working on containing her anger just a bit more so that's what I call minor progress in the Beale's business." Aubrey laughed as she too agreed, Beca's anger was always hard to manage herself when she was Beca's part time caretaker. "Well if I can give you some advice are you willing to take it the all mighty Beale?" Chloe laughed as she sipped on her ice tea, humming in agreement. "I guess so, what do ya got for me Posen?" Aubrey huffed as she set down her work gloves and sat down admiring her yard work so far. "Well Beca is obviously not showing many signs of maniac depression anymore. I don't know if that's because her parents basically keep her on lockdown twenty four seven, but maybe you should let her out for a day. I mean by what you're telling me she's starting to seem like a regular sane minded person again." Chloe sighed heavily as her brain reminded her of the incident that happened a couple of weeks ago by Beca's own two hands. "Yes but that's only because she's not contributing to the real world yet. What happens when she gets a job and someone accidentally I don't know, spills something on her. I don't think she would act like a sane minded person then." Aubrey chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders, heading inside her house for a much needed cold beverage. "Well how do you know what she would do when you haven't let her try to go back into society again since what happened last time. I think she's ready for a big life alternating step now Chloe." Chloe sighed once more as she bit her lip nervously. Of course Aubrey was right, Beca has extremely toned down since the last time she went out. Sharon took her advice since the last time they had spoken and has been taking Beca out on little excursions every now and again. Beca seemed more relax each time she went out to help her mother with the groceries, it almost seemed like she enjoyed it. "I suppose you're right. I promised her parents Beca would be experiencing normacy by now and I think she's more than ready."

"A job? Are you sure Miss Beale? I mean she already has been getting her schoolwork done and adding more stress to her situation, I don't think-" Chloe offered Sharon and Carson a soft smile before she interrupted the panicked blonde headed woman. "I wouldn't be suggesting what I'm suggesting if I wasn't absolutely sure Beca is ready to take the next step. I'm sure you guys have must also noticed that she's calmer now, more relaxed with herself. I think her taking this monumental step is the next best thing for her to become a functioning citizen of society, don't you agree?" Sharon and Carson each looked at each other hesitantly before eventually agreeing with Chloe. Carson was the first to speak up with helpful information. "Well if you say she's ready than I believe you, maybe I could set her up with a job downtown? My friend Eddie owns a music shop not too far from my own work and he owes me a favor." Chloe smiled as Sharon seemed to calm down at Beca getting a job that was close to her husbands, just so he could also keep an eye on her if needed.

"So you're Carson's daughter huh? Well I can't say he's the prettier out of the two of ya, because you certainly take the cake." Eddie said as he nudged Beca's shoulder playfully as Beca smiled at him tersely. "Thanks, um so I'm just the cashier person?" Beca asked him confusedly as she looked around the store in wonder. Eddie nodded as he showed Beca how to work the cash register, which creaked loudly when it opened. "Well not only that, you get to stack the CD's and vinyls when the store is slow. Also don't worry someone else will be coming in about a couple of minutes to assist ya. She's my own humble abode of a daughter, also if she tries to sneak out of here early than tell me yeah? Last time some kids stole some magazines, they weren't the expensive ones but still it's the thought that counts. Well I'll be out of your hair now, all I ask is that you don't let my baby burn down and you'll be A ok." Eddie said with a playful wink as he picked up his colored jacket from the counter to put it on quickly. Then all of a sudden the door chimed, making them turn towards the sound in front of the store. "Of course you don't want this baby to burn down, what about me getting brain tumors from working in a boring place like this? I should be getting works men compensation by now." (Too lazy to describe get off my back Karen)

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