Gohans other wishe and what had happend since hes been gone

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3rd person
Goten and trunks have been training for the last 6 months. It shocked Vegeta greatly. One minute the boys were really lazy. But as soon as gohan left goten became super obsessed with getting back at him for putting. Their mom in a coma. Even chiyo and bulla had a different attitude. But then again they where girls. Bulma had been staying home more often just to make sure the kids where alright. Then today is blazes birthday and everyone was gathered around the table singing happy birthday. Well except chichi and Vegeta.
"Humph." Blaze smirked like his father would nod Bulma groaned.
" looks like we have another Vegeta."  Bulma grumbled and all the kids giggled.  Then the boys went to go train and so did the girls( secretly of course)
" how's that Kakarots woman?"Vegeta growled annoyedZ Bulma raised an eyebrow.
" why? Worried?" She asked slightly snapping.vegets growled.
"As if.. I just want her brats out here. Goten and trunks are hogging my training!" He grumpily says. Bulma sighs.
"Oh honey your hopeless." She says and he huffs and walks out side to train there.
To the boys.
They both are at super saiyon.
" hey goten. Are you alright?" Trunks asks worried about his friend. Goten huffs and lands a combo.
" I'm fine trunks. But my brother should be back soon." Goten growls. Trunks nods and gets a combo in to.
" so? Your gonna get back at him so what does it matter?" Trunks asks. Goten growls.
"I'm still not strong enough." He complains. Trunks sighs.
" how about the tournament in a year and 6 months?" Trunks suggest. Goten growled. But then nods with a smirk.
" ya that sounds fun. Will you train with me till then?" He asks and trunks nods back.
"Your not the only one that wants to defeat someone." Trunks huffs.goten nods and grins.
" mr vegeta?" Goten asks and trunks nods. They continue to train.
To the girls.'
They are also in super saiyon form. They learned it a month after they started training.
" you ok chiyo?" Bulla asks. The young girl growls and throws a punch.
". I don't understand guys bulla. Like first father leaves us after the cell games. Then now gohan?" Chiyo says saidly. They stop training and bulla Hugs her.
" he will come back chiyo. Gohan probably had a really good reason to leave and you know it." Bulla says and chiyo sighs and nods. Bulla goes up to the fridge and throws chiyo a soda. Both girls then sit and talk forgetting they are in super saiyon form.
To gohan.
The 4 of them soon arrive on earth with a thud.
"Ughh. Is the ship broken?" Erasa asks annoyed. The girls did talk to the boys after what happend with the last planet for 2 weeks. They where highly embarrassed. Mean while the boys couldn't figure out what the hell they could do.. finnaly they all got drunk and the girls told their guys what they where thinking and feelingZ
" videl.  You are so perfect. You don't have to apologize or be embarrassed. It wasn't what you wanted so we had to kill the person responsible. I like you a lot to videl but how about we talk about this in the morning. When we are sober?" Gohan asks while sluring. Videl nods and falls asleep leaning on his shoulder. Gohan kisses her for head and falls asleep with his head resting on hers.
"Erasa babe. I've liked you since 1st year. No need to apologize." Sharpner says and they drunkingly go to sharpners room and do it.
The next morning everything was better. After 2 more weeks gohan and videl finnaly became boyfriend and girlfriend.  All they did until they got back on earth was bored games,video games. They also just held hands,kissed, and cuddled. When they got back on earth they landed in the desert near the dragon balls. And then raced to them. When they finnaly found them videl summoned him.
"Sherron I Summon you! ARISE!" Videl says and a second later the sky darkens and the big green dragon appears. Everyone sighs in relieve.
" did you three get what I asked for?" Shenron asked narrowing his eyes. The three of them nod."Hand them over." He demands and they all did. Then he examines them.
" videl Saten. You are now a saiyon. " Shenron says and videl jumps up and down and hugs gohan happily.
"Sharpner. You are now a saiyon." Shenron says and Sharpner simply grins and hugs Erasa who is waiting to here the good news.
"Erasa.." Shenron stops." I'm sorry but you go to hell." He says and clicks something. Erasa screams and her body diseapears.
"Erasa!!!" Videl And Sharpner scream. Videl starts sobbing. Gohan growls at Shenron.
" what the he'll Shenron! She got what you asked for!" Gohan yelled.
" no. Erasa got green pebbles not blue." He says which shocks everyone.
" how can we get her back?" Sharpner demands.
" you have to go get me the blue pebbles. Bring them to hell and get her out of their. Tell her to eat the pebbles and she can live and be a saiyon." He says and the 3 of them nod." Now for your other wishes. What are they?" He asks and gohan speaks this time.
" I wish for my dad back to life." Gohan yellls. Shenron eyes glow.
To the other world.
Goku was bored and watching tv. He had already finished his training for the day. But he really missed his family. Then he hears those words.
"Goku. You are being wished back to life. Do you except this time?" The dragon asks in his head. Goku jumps up and down.
"Sure! " I miss gohan and chichi anyways! He yells. And his hallo disappears. Goku then uses instant transmission back to his home.
To gohan.
"Your wish has been granted." Shenron says and gohan grins happily."Next wish."
" I wish that when ever we get the correct blue pebbles we are sent to hell." Gohan says. Shenron nods.
"Your wish has been granted." Shenron says and goes to the sky and explodes into the dragon balls. Gohan contines to hold videl and Sharpner is simply looking down with dark eyes. All of their tails are hanging down.
"We have to go get her." Videl sobbed into gohans neck. Gohan nods.
"Let's go then." He says and Sharpner nods.
'Sorry mom,goten,chiyo. You guys have to wait to see me for a while I'm going to be a little bit longer then I expected.' Gohan thinks and carries videl on the ship. He then straps down videl in her seat and they are soon off.
" so it took us a month to get there last time. We should train. We are being sent straight to hell after we do. And the worlds greatest fighters are down their." Gohan says. Mind flashing to Freeza,cooler, lord cold,and cell.
" gohan we need a day off.." Sharpner says almost mad. Gohan then freezing and nods. His eyes then slowly start to drift to sleep but then a alarm in the ship is beeping and everyone's eyes go wide. Right in frount of them. Is a ship. All of its guns is pointed at them.
" let us bored your ship and you will survive." An alein says and gohan growls protectively. Videl grabs his shoulder and nods heavily. Gohan relaxes and nods back to her.
" come on in." He says and a big fat guy with a tail comes in with a Namek and a huge pink woman.
"I am Onio and this is berk and Sandric. We sinced high power levels with our scooters and we come her to seek refuge." He says. Gohan nods. But Sharpner growls at him.
"Go seek refuge on earth. There are slot of people that can help you. Don't bother us." Sharpner snaps. Onio gulps. Gohan steps between them with a serious look.
" who's after you?" He asks and the guy Gulps.
"The guys name is Paragus." Onio says shaking. Gohan narrowed his eyes.
"I thought he died. " he says and Onio shakes his head.
"His son Broly kept him alive once again." He says. Gohan growls.
" ok go to earth." I should be back within 3 months." Gohan says. They nod. They also leave.
"Who is Broly? He sounds like trouble." Videl asks and gohan nods and his face grows grave. He then tells them about what happend on new planet vegeta. They then look terified.
" so not even super saiyon can beat that monster?" Videl asks shocked. Gohan shakes his head. She gasps horrified. But she gets it. They then retire back to their rooms.
To Goku
He couldn't find gohans energy anywhere on earth. Which worried him so he looked for his wife. When he found it he was shocked to find it so week. And it was at capsule Corp. he raced there. A punch intercepted him. But he knew that would happen so once he picked himself off the ground he came face to face with a grinding vegeta.
"Kakarot. It's actually nice to see you again let's fight." Vegeta demanded. Goku smirked
"You couldn't keep up. Now. Where's chichi and gohan?" He asks conserned.
Vegeta groaned.
"Your failure is somewhere in outer space. He was supposed to be here today but he must have forgotten. As for your woman. Well.when she found out gohan had left she had a stroke and fell into a coma. Leaving us incharge of your runts." Vegeta glared. Goku looked at him comfused.
" runts?" He asks.
"Ya. Chichi was pregnant during the cell games." Vegeta growled annoyed. Gokus face turned up happily. And he laughed.
"Really?" He giggles more. Vegeta groans and begins to walk back. Then two little girls run across the yard.
"Hey that's a little Bulma and chichi!" Goku announced as vegeta calls the girls over.
Chiyo and bulla looks up at the stranger curiously.
"Hey you look like goten!" She says and Goku grins down at her. Then it dawns on her. And she runs into his arms.
" daddy!!!" She yells.
" well hello." He says laughing happily.
"I'm chiyo." She says and Goku grins even wider.
"Hello chiyo I'm Goku. Your father." He laughs. He soon puts her down and pays her long hair.
"You look just like your mother." He tells her. Then noticed the little tail jumping up and down behind her and chuckles.
"Chiyo who's the old man that looks like me?" Goten asks running up to his sister with a big grin . She looks at him and smirks. He gasps and runs into his arms as well.
"Daddy!" He yells. They both laugh and Goku spends him around. Bulma came out side with little blaze in her arms.
"Goku? Is that you?" She asks and he laughs and scratches the back of his head. She laughs."you don't change at all." She says and they both laugh again. Her face then grows serious.
"Do you want to see chichi?" She asks and he nods putting goten down. He then follows her to chichis room. She looked pale. Goku growled.
'Damn it gohan. Your so selfish.' He thinks. He grabs his wife's hand.
" He chichi. Wake up. I'm back now." He says and after a moment they all sigh. But then chichi started to stir. They all gasped and held their breathe. Chichis eyes then came open and landed straight on Goku. After a moment she jumped into his arms crying.
"Goku!!!! Is that really you?" She asks and cried harder. He nods and held her while grinning at his kids. They smiled and soon joined the hug. The Breifs family stepped outside to give them some times. Later that day the son family went home with a promise of chichi getting a check up ever other day.

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