Stealing pebbles a new gohan

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Gohan sighed when he woke up to an empty bed. It had been a month and all everyone did was stay silent and train. No one talked. Ever.  Even him and videl where rocky. So when he Woke up to a empty bed his heart sped up and he raced to the command center. Both videl and Sharpner where out on the planet already by themselves. Gohan quickly turned super saiyon  so their ship doesn't sink but when videl and Sharpner came back they where all going to have words.
To videl and Sharpner.
" where's the lab?" He asks one of the nurses. She looked up at him with big eyes.
" you must be mr. xaino. Nice go meet you." She says then saw videl and frowned annoyed.
" for a new nurse you must be pretty bad to not be in our outfit yet." She says and videl growls pissed.
" where's the lab lady?" Sharpner asked pissed. The nurse looked at him with a nervous smile. Then she pointed down the hall.
" down that way. Make a left at the big doors. Then their should be a room down that that says lab." She tells him handing him a key card. He nods and him and videl walk off.
"Just down the hall huh." Videl says and sharpener nods. They then follow their directions that led them to a room that said lab. But when they got in their they where both shocked to see a big guy standing by a thrown. In that thrown was a little migit with a dirty look on his face.
" I've been waiting for you cowards to show up again. How dare you take my rocks!" He yells pissed. Sharpner growls and uses blinding speed to slam him against the wall chocking him..
The big guy steps up and videl punches him to the wall beside them. Her face holding a determined look.

"Where the hell is the blue rocks!"sharpner yells pissed.The short guy smiled and shot a hand to grab sharpners neck. Sharpner quickly deflected it and slammed the small guy down to the ground smashing his face in the floor."DONT MAKE ME HAVE TO ASK AGAIN!!" Sharpners screams. He needed to be with Erasa. She was the love of his life and he needed her. The small man then started coughing but it wasn't blood he was coughing was the blue rocks. Sharpners eyes darken and he continued to beat the small guy until he was on the verge of dieing.thats when sharpners leaned in and whispered in the mans ear."I hope you go to hell." He whispers and blasts the guy to oblivion. Sharpners then grabs a bag and picks Jp the rocks. He then looks over at videl who is pumbling the big guy. And he goes over while the muscled man is down and blasts his head off. Videls eyes widen in horror at what her friend just did. Never has she ever seen Sharpners hurt someone but there she was with two body's laying at her and her best guy friends feet. She then looked up at Sharpners and is about to scold him when both their bodies seem to disapear and everything goes black.
Meanwhile gohans anger is starting to get the best of him. How could they just leave him to handle the ship. Knowing that he wanted to help. He then taps his foot and waits patiently. An hour later he fills a unknown persons energy dissolve and he knows that means they are dead. Panic strikes him because people dieing was definitely not supposed to happen. Then he felt another one and his power started to raise and he was really tempted to just drop then ship and see what's going on.
Then he felt it. This time he did drop the ship to be damned if it sunk in and could never work again. His friend Sharpners energy disappears making it feel like he was dead. Then when videls did it sent gohan into a pure and horrible rage. All thought washed out of his head and his body trembled. Black energy took over his body and and he started to blast this planet to oblivion.only stoping once he was floating in space helpless and panting. Tears streamed down his face and he finnaly grasped the concept of hate. Until he felt videl die he was happy and couldn't even think of hurting another person. But someone of something on that planet killed her and it broke something inside of him. Ever since he was a young boy he knew he was different from his father . With fighting that is. He new that something deep down in him was under lock and key. And very heavily scared him so he went to something that didn't scare him. Studying. Yes he would still fight when ever he needed to like cell or any of the other villains he faced.
When he first met videl he felt the need to protect her. To hold her and never let go. Both of those feelings was so strong when he did it his feelings exploded everywhere and he then knew he would never allow anyone else to touch her the way he could. But when he felt her energy dissolved what ever had been in him busted open and came flooding out. Now the planet was gone and so was she..

After 3 hours gohan stoped destroying everything he saw in space. Alltogether he had destroyed 5 planets and watched the people in them squirm and scream until they died. The innocent boy everyone knew and loved was gone. Now a new gohan had appeared and so did the black energy around him.

 Now a new gohan had appeared and so did the black energy around him

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Meet the new gohan.

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