Chapter 6: Confused?

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after the incident with Jungkook, Jimin drove away though their house,  as he was not in his right mind because we was constantly  thinking why does Jungkook did that, he also thinks if Jungkook were paying tricks to him as a revenge on his constant teasing

  "dude what is up with you Jim boy? you were frowning as you constantly murmuring, what happened to you? don't tell me you have been gone crazy because of your studies " His brother Namjoon said as he walks towards his weird little bro 

"do you think Jungkook is capable of getting a revenge?" Jimin said curiously to his brother, as Namjoon was taken back because of his brother's question, because I knows Jungkook to be a nice dude or he was mistaken 

"uhh I guess he's capable of getting a revenge to someone who have done something bad to him, you know if I were him and some bastard were playing some tricks with me I guess I will take a revenge or I don't know " Namjoon said as his phone rings and he answered it with a frown because I was an unknown number 

  "Good evening, how may I help you" Namjoon said politely as Jimin looked at his brother and then started walking towards his room "ohh Jin hyung, I didn't know it was you, and I didn't expect you to call me after I said the truth" Namjoon said shyly,

 Jimin stopped  and runs beside his shy brother "okay, then I will see you tomorrow then, Good night hyung" 

Namjoon said sighing with his contented smile "hyung stop smiling you looked like a fool, good thing I was the one who saw you like this" Jimin said laughing at his brother's cuteness

  "Aishh stop that you little brat you wont understand me because you were not in love" Namjoon said as he laughed at his brother's expression "hyung the love you're saying is just chemicals created by your brain there is no love hyung, love doesn't exist" Jimin said mocking his brother about what he said "Jimin I know that you don't believe in love or something but it's how I felt the moment I saw Jin hyung" Namjoon said dreamily "Jin Hyung? does that Jin hyung you were talking Hyung have his two brothers but he didn't live with them because he has his own house and quite busy about managing his five star restaurant located at Seoul?" Jimin said to Namjoon "yeah he is that why do you now him?" Namjoon said as he eyed his brother curiously "aishh Hyung he is Jin hyung, Taehyung and Jungkook's brother aishh! you lucky person he is so handsome and have a great cooking skills" Jimin said to his brother with amazement plastered in his face "ohh wait what happened when he ask you to cook for him did you do it or did you ask for someone to cook for you, ahh hyung you were cheating to get him that's bad" Jimin teased his brother as Namjoon playfully smacked his brother's arm "No dude I told him the truth and guess what he said" Namjoon said with a smug face "uhh he said to never ever see him again or else he will kill you painfully?" Jimin said still teasing his brother "No! bro he said that's okay because, he wants to have a boyfriend that is honest to him and specially doesn't know how to cook because he likes his future boyfriend to just help him as he cooks, so basically I think he likes me too" Namjoon said as he wiggle his brother's body "hyung! don't be a fool he said that because he's being sarcastic to you and indirectly saying he doesn't have a thing for you" Jimin said enjoying to tease his brother "ohh shut up we will be having a date tomorrow so don't bother" Namjoon said as he glared at his brother and he enters his own room, Jimin just chuckled at his brother's action as he also walks towards his room while shaking his head with disbelief...

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