chapter 7*

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I walked angrily to the kitchen where I saw uncle Jeff and aunt Linda having breakfast,I angrily  sat down and muttered

" Good morning"

"Good morning baby Jay" uncle Jeff said still stuffing food in his mouth.

"What's wrong dear" aunt Linda asked coming towards me with breakfast.

" Wait let me guess it's the clowns," uncle Jeff muttered annoyed.

"Yeah" I whispered annoyed.

"Dear, don't let they say get to you , remember your father is returning home today don't let them bring your cherry mood down" aunt Linda said giving me a motherly hug.

" Yeah I guess your right " I said lightening up my mood while eating breakfast.. just then we all heard a squeal bursting into the dining room , I know that squeal anywhere.

"Allie" both aunt Linda and uncle Jeff yelled excited while engulfing her in a tight embrace.

"The one and only" Allie said smirking while hugging them back, before breaking up the embrace to steal on of my bacon and stuffing it in her mouth.

"Hey that's mine"
I yelled in annoyance.

"Not any more " she said while sitting beside me and stuffing all my breakfast down her throat, surprised she hasn't choked.

"I wish you will choke and die" I said smirking while folding my arms.

"I love you too teddy bear" she said still eating.

"Typical Allison"uncle Jeff muttered while we all chuckle..

And that's when I noticed she is dressed up casually

"Allie where you headed to" I asked curious.

"Oh I almost forgot we are going out so dress up nicely"she said drinking My Carmel.

" Where to"I asked

" Around town our normal joint, park everywhere, I want to see how town has been when we where away for 4 years"

" But am tired and besides dad is coming back today I need to be home"

" We would be back before he returns" she said standing up to take her plates to the dish washer

" Jay dear Allie is right you guys have been gone for 4 years go around town" aunt Linda said

" You see aunt get me"Allie said.

" And besides if your father returns I will give you a call" uncle Jeff said.

" Okay I will be back let me go dress" I said while running towards my room.

Jasmine outfit below ||||

Jasmine outfit below ||||

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Allison outfit below ||||

Allison outfit below ||||

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