chapter 17

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"Jay, I don't think I can move anymore am so exhausted" Lia complained on our way out of the  children play park.

Actually we first spent 2 hours going around Paris four tour  and sight seeing after that we went for shopping which lasted for about 3 hours ,we went to about 20 or 22 shops lost count , I got a 2 new iphone, laptop , 4 sim card , different jewelries and new set of clothes and undies for both Lia and I, then I got a my own new car which will be brought to Ryder's mansion. I got many candies, ice cream and lots and lots of snacks cause apparently Ryder got all groceries and all foods and fruits on his kitchen except snacks especially when Lia and I are in the theater (cinema) room watching  movies.

"Okay Lia how about we head to a diner ,I saw one a while ago while we were on the tour" I said getting up from the park bench with Lia while heading to my car well, Ryder's car that I kinda borrowed.

When we got the diner, we didn't bother checking the name or even caring,cause we were both exhausted and starving, we entered the diner immediately, I saw an empty booth at the far end of the diner and dragged Lia with me towards the booth were  2 menu's were already on the table.
We both picked one each and glance through it, thinking of what to order, I looked over at Lia to see her also unsure of what to order.
Just then a waitress approached our booth.

"Hello, pls may I take your order" she said in a calm and gentle voice.

"Actually am not sure what I want ,I love everything on the menu ,so pls will you get me your best VIP order" I said returning a smile .

"Yeah, I guess pls make that two"Lia said .

Am really happy Lia and I are friends, she's starting to open up to me. Her parents were killed in a car accident which left her on the road were she steals from people ,then one day she tries stealing from Ryder's sister , appearantly Ryder has a younger step sister so back to the story Ryder's sister caught her and Lia begged for her to spare her life then explained her situation to her, which she kindly listened to Lia then she took Lia in as a friend but later about 3 month later Ryder's sister had to travel to Italy to finish her studies so poor Lia was left alone and since she was bored ,she begged Ryder to give her a job and that's were she is right now as a maid in Ryder's mansion.

After bringing our food and drinks we chatted, we were both contented  with how our day turned out to be, we got up  ready to leave but immediately stopped in our track when we saw Logan and another guy walk into the diner ,they both looked around the diner before their eyes landed on us . Logan had a scowl on his face while the other guy beside him had a huge smirk.

They both stormed towards us .

"What the hell jasmine, what are you doing out here"Logan yelled clearly angry but am not buying any of his shit.

"Logan dude calm down , we are at Lily's diner and she won't appreciate you causing a scene" the other guy said

"We are going back to Ryder's mansion now" Logan said holding my wrist but not too tight but we'll enough to drag me out of the diner with Lia and the other guy trailing behind. We got out to the parking lot and that when I knew I have had enough of this controlling dumbasses .....

"Enough "I said and removed my hand from his hold.

"Jasmine pls stop all this shit and sturbornness and get into the car" Logan said angrily.

"I ain't going anywhere with you , I got my own car and I and Lia are going to use that to get to the mansion and please you don't get to say shit about my attitude towards you or anyone cause the weeks I had been in that fucking mansion you didn't come to keep me company nor  did you do anything in trying to help me get your fucked up friend to explain anything to me ,so don't you dare open your shit to say all those damn shit to me "I said angrily storming off to my car while dragging Lia with me.

Okay I know I went extreme but seriously try staying in a huge mansion for 3 weeks alone with no one except a maid who tried in making not feel lonely or sad but you still help but feel sad inside you that you haven't spoken to your childhood friend or anybody that you actually know....

We got into the car and I zoomed off angrily....

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