chapter 15

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Ryder •••

"Ryder you got to go home at some point ,you left her in that house alone with the maids ,she's obviously gonna die of frustration, seriously I just don't get why you married her just to lock her up in your mansion"Logan yelled at me angrily for the hundredth time in 3 weeks .

Yeah I know I left her there but it's not like I care about her besides I was forced to marry her , and I won't lie when I say I was sexually excited by her beauty but I can't get too attached .
I am definitely happy I saw her that day in her dad's office cause I would have killed that bitch of her step-sister I'm annoyance and frustration.

"Dude Logan is right ,you got married to the chick at least let her live a little ,I mean besides you fuck around with ladies everyday and since you said you don't want to get attached to her ,let her live her life too" Brett said

I swear if this two weren't my childhood friends I would have put a bullet between their eyes .

Yeah am a multi billionaire and all but I didn't just get there alone these two have been by my side all the way ,we run our own mafia which is very known in the underground world and then we run my business as multi billionaire's in the natural world ,and I can't drag jasmine into all this shit,I got many enemies around and when the news about me getting married get out it won't be funny cause all my enemies will want to get to her to get to me , no one even knows am married well except Logan ,Brett ,Dean ,my sperm donor which everyone knows as my dad  and jasmine family.

I haven't heard from her father since he sold his daughter through the contract , but her friend Allison has been blowing my phone up with messages and threat I told Logan to deal with her , I got to admit when I saw her angry about all this arranged marriage that day in her father's office I couldn't stop myself for been so attracted to her ,I had a huge bulge that day that I was really on the edge ,but when it got to the part of her dad slapping her and seeing her in tears my anger rose to the highest level I wanted to end that old hag then and there for touching what's mine....

"Ryder , Ryder, Ryder dude are you even listening to any shit we are saying" Brett said ,I looked at but of them to see them clearly annoyed that I zoned out on them.

"Guys am seriously not in the mood for all this , the girl stays in the house and that's final , I don't care about her life or any shit about her been frustrated her dad sold her to me through the contract and I have legal right on her ,I don't consider her my wife or whatever you guys are saying, I can't get attached to her and I certainly can't involve her in my life or the mafia world so pls stop with all the shit about her living cause I fucking own her , she's mine"

I looked at both of them expecting them to still be mad at me but I was shocked to see both of them smirking at me.

"Okay what with those faces" I asked crossing my arms while resting on my black leather office chair.

"Dude you are so possessive of her and you are muttering about not getting attached to her"Logan said clearly enjoying this situation

"And besides you think we didn't notice how you are sexually attracted to her"Brett said his smirk widening.

"Fuck"I muttered and stormed out of my office as I heard those two laugh out loud through the building.


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