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Irritated, the teens had all wandered down to Fionnula's fish shop, as requested, in preparation to clean for that day. None of them were particularly looking forward to the day at all, especially with the crushing feeling that they would not be going to Paris looming over them as well. Fionnula had lectured them on how to clean the shop, while giving them a list of rules to follow such as not going upstairs.

"So not only are we not going to Paris, we're spending our Sunday scrubbing Fionnula's fucking fish hole for free," Michelle whined, the group tying their blue aprons, equally as angry.

"Not even I can style this apron right," Ava frowned, glaring at the dirty, smelling material that covered her once fashionable outfit.

"She'll be back from Eucharist soon, so get a shift on," Erin instructed, glaring at the two whom she blamed for this inconvenience they'd been forced into.

"It's slave labour Erin!" Michelle scoffed, not accepting the punishment.

"It's worse than slave labour. We're not even getting paid." Orla sighed, picking up the sponges on the counter, not realising that that's exactly what slave labour was.

"Look, mammy had to cut some sort of deal." Erin frowned, passing the hideously, yellow rubber gloves towards Ava.

"Would living without fried food really be so bad?" James spoke up from the back of the room, not exactly fond of the delicacy – at all.

"Yes," they all chorused, James throwing his hands up in surrender at the sudden sound of all the girls shouting at him.

"That's not the point though. The point is we are never going to Paris. Ever." Ava pouted, her dreams well and truly crushed beyond crushed, pulverized into tiny smithereens.

"Better start loving Derry then Ava," Erin muttered, Ava just glaring harshly in return at her while pulling a sarcastically smug smile.

"She wouldn't have actually banned us. She was bluffing." Michelle spoke up, calling Fionnula's bluff, while changing the conversation before Ava could snap at Erin.

"She didn't even ban me so why am I here?" Ava sighed, disgusted by her surroundings, she was all for eating from the shop, but cleaning it? No chance.

"You helped steal the board!" Clare spluttered in frustration as she faced the girl, "She's not bluffing, Michelle. Didn't she ban the McGuigan twins?"

"Seriously?" Michelle raised her brow, not having heard this before.

"Sure. That's how they lost all the weight." Orla nodded, confirming Clare's theory.

In love with the English boy | James MaguireWhere stories live. Discover now