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After last nights interruptions to their poetry assignment, the teens had all mutually decided that none of them would complete the homework, Clare being the only one to put up any argument. The rest of the group, particularly those staying at the O'Mallon household were all for skipping the homework for they had much better things they wished to do. In the case of the curly brunette, sneaking out to meet her newest boyfriend, while the other two decided they would much prefer an evening catching up on last night's episode of home and away, as well as the Doctor Who boxset James owned, a series Ava seemed to have grown particularly fond of.

Unfortunately, not all dreams could last forever, and so the screaming alarm clock snapped the two from their rather comfortable slumber. Comfortably, the two had fallen asleep under the same blanket, Ava's head on James' chest as his arm rested over her middle, the remote loosely clutched within his hand. A position the two often found themselves waking up in. And just as she did every time, Michelle came bounding in, flinging a tie at James, and yanking a half-asleep Ava from his chest, all while muttering something under her breathe about the English.

Thankfully however, due to a mix of the rude awakenings from both the alarm and Michelle, they had all arrived at school on time, giving Clare the perfect opportunity to reveal to Miss De Brun that none of them had done the set homework, much to the everyone's disappointment.

"It was difficult, so you've just given up?" Miss De Brun turned to the group, she had pulled them aside following Clare's outburst, wanting to know more as to why they had simply 'given up'. "You might fail, so why bother trying?"

"Exactly! Told you she'd understand," Michelle smirked, considering the whole thing was her idea in the first place.

"Have you ever stopped to look at these? These faces from the past. They're not so different from you really, they had dreams like you do. They had ambitions. But now, they're gone. Dead. Dust." Miss De Brun spoke softly, a poetic tone to her voice as she guided their gaze to the black and white school pictures hanging on the wall.

"That's my auntie Anne third from the left, she'd not dead." Clare interrupted, quickly being shushed by Erin, but chose to continue regardless. "But she'd only 54, she runs the mobile library in BallyMagroarty."

"Cracking place, I always get my books there," Ava smiled, leaning over Erin's shoulder to speak to Clare.

"Quiet!" Erin rolled her eyes, the two girls slightly chuckling as Ava removed her head from Erin's shoulder.

"But did they fulfil those dreams, those ambitions? One day girls, you too will just be an old photograph in a hallway." Their teacher continued, the truth of her words leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of Ava's stomach.

In love with the English boy | James MaguireWhere stories live. Discover now