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Ava looped her arm through both James and Michelle's, skipping towards Erin's house, ready to meet the Ukrainian exchange student who had arrived earlier that day. Clare, having bumped into them outside of the front door, followed the trio up the stairs, having been hurried in by a busy Mary, overwhelmed with an extra guest staying in the already full household.

"Your ma said we could come and look at the Russian," Michelle announced, creaking open the door to Erin's bedroom.

"Ukrainian," Erin corrected, rolling her eyes having told them multiple times already.

"Is this her?" Michelle gestured towards the dark-haired girl sitting on Erin's bed, wearing a permanent frown.

"Isn't she cracker? She's half mine," Orla spoke up, eyes not leaving the poor girl.

"No she's not Orla." Erin fought.

"Aye, she is. Mammy said so." Orla shut her cousin down, desperate to share the exchange student.

"Hi, I'm Ava," the Duffy girl smiled sweetly, sticking her hand out, a gesture Katya appreciated. Grateful Ava had treated her like an actual human, not an exhibition in a museum , something that had been uncommon so far on her trip. Ava was a kind girl, desperate to find out about life outside of Derry so opting to befriend the Ukrainian - leaving Katya to believe she was the only one that could make this trip bearable for her.

"Katya," The girl smiled back at her, but her face fell as the others began talking again.

"You're so lucky Erin, I begged my ma to let me have one, but she said we've no room now that my dickhead, ball bag, English prick of a cousins moved in. She said it would be fine if it was just Ava. Talking about you James in case you were wondering." Michelle rolled her eyes, tapping James smugly on the chin as she did so.

"Yeah that much was clear. Thank you, Michelle." James sighed sarcastically, while Ava rubbed his arm sympathetically.

"Leave him alone, Michelle," Ava whisper shouted towards the brunette.

"Have you seen the one Jenny Joyce has got? The fella? Massive, massive ride. I've been thinking, it's time to lose the rest of my virginity, he's definitely a contender." Michelle beamed, ignoring her friend, leaning down to be eye level with Katya. "You. Help. Me. You. Put. In. Good. Word. With. Your. Cossack. Friend. So. We. Can...."

"Would you stop that?" Erin whispered, pushing away Michelle's hands that had been gesturing to her sleeping with Jenny's exchange student.

In love with the English boy | James MaguireWhere stories live. Discover now