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Bounding with excitement the teens had rushed to school, desperate to be in the company of their new role mode – Miss De Brun. Erin lead them through the halls, energetically (with the exception of a sluggish Clare), the rest of the group followed, although their smiles were trodden upon entering the English classroom. Wiping away the last ew letters of Miss De Brun's name, stood Sister Michael, a tired look on her face as she turned to the group.

"Take a seat please ladies," She instructed, placing the board rubber back on the wooden desk beside her.

"Where's Miss De Brun?" Erin asked hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

"Gone. And she's not coming back." Sister Michael answered vaguely, her hands rested across her middle.

"What?!" The blonde shrieked, the worst possible outcome of this situation unveiling itself.

"I knew it. When I woke up this morning I had a feeling something terrible was going to happen and also that essentially deep down I'm quite an evil person." Clare stammered, her stomach in knots as she admitted to her self discovery that morning.

"It's called a hangover Clare, you'll be grand." Michelle answered, rolling her eyes.

"I will be taking this class for the rest of the term – which makes me want to pull off my own face, but needs must." Sister Michael lectured, the irritated tone to her voice easily identifiable.

"This was you wasn't it?" Michelle's eyes burned into the french plait wearing pupil in the front row. Jenny Joyce.

"What did you do? What did you say?" Erin added to the interrogation, a lethal tone in her voice as she fired questions at the girl.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Scoffed Jenny.

"Aye, so you don't, supergrass!" Erin insulted, a rage burning from deep within her.

"That's quite enough." Interrupted Sister Michael, unsurprisingly appalled by the behaviour.

"You don't understand, Sister. Miss De Brun, she touched us." Erin began. "She made us think, she made us feel. You can't sack her, you just can't."

"Miss Quinn, you appear to be under the misapprehension that you can address me as though you are my equal. I suggest you rein it in and take a seat." Sister Michael scolded.

"Get the back two James," Ava requested, wanting to be able to gossip at the back of the class with the boy.

"In the required seating plan Miss Duffy." Sister Michael's voice interrupted the pair, her eyes watching as the girl awkwardly shuffled over to the seat diagonal to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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