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I couldn't breathe. I struggled and struggled to take air in; something covered my face preventing the sweet, sweet oxygen from reaching my lungs. Out of nowhere the fact that I was dead hit me.

How many times could I forget I didn't have to breathe? A lot.

"Rafe, you might want to hurry up, I think she's waking up," Death said. My eyes almost flew open at the sound of his voice and when I realized the warm pillow my head rested on must have been his lap; they didn't, too heavy to do anything more than twitch.

"I'm working as fast as I can. There's only so much my powers can do. I have no idea how she survived in the first place. Hold her still."

Death's hands clasped around my wrists. I wondered why, and I got my answer when searing pain shot along my every nerve ending. My body spasmed; Death's grip held firm. A scream tore from my lips.

"Sh," Death hushed. "Sh, shush. Kid, you need to hold still."

"Death!" Raphael's hand gripped my leg, pinning it to the bed. Warmth wrapped around my ankles, meaning he was using his Grace to keep my legs still."You're not doing a very good job."

"Well, I'm sorry, do you want to hold the girl who's currently trying to phase through my body and the bed? Because I'd be glad to switch you."

"You don't know how to stitch a soul back together, so unless you want to hold her as she fades out of existence I suggest you pin her down."

Even as those words hit my ears, I continued to struggle, desperate to get away from the pain. It hurt so much, more than the tree.

"Kid," Death said, his voice wavering. "Ardia, hold still. He can't help you if you don't let him."

I didn't stop of course. No amount of words could convince me to. I freed one of my arms from Death's grip. I flailed, but he quickly caught it. Bruises would end up forming where his fingers were, but it was hard to feel how tight his grip really was. My eyes scrunched together, tears leaked from them.

"Make it stop," I mumbled. "Please." My voice broke into a cry. The towel covering my face disappeared, only to be replaced over my eyes. Something pressed against my lips. A hand slipped under my back and lifted me slightly.

"Death." Raphael's tone was a warning one.

"She was a mortal, it'll be easier for her to drink it sitting up. Come on, kid."

I pulled my hand free again, using it to blindly feel for whatever he was holding to my lips. A small vial, no bigger than size of my thumb. I guessed it was medicine.

Death released my other hand. "Sorry about this." I almost asked what, but I got my answer. He stuck his finger into one of my wounds. I screamed. Liquid spilled into my mouth. When it first hit my tongue, it wasn't bad, sweet but not bad. Only after that initial taste did I realize how bad it was. I started gagging at the overwhelming sweetness.

Laying me back, Death held my mouth closed. Warmth spread through me, and then coldness. As the seconds passed, my arms felt heavy, so did my legs.

"You couldn't've done that earlier?" Raphael asked. I no longer fought against him. Pain still coursed through me, but there wasn't anything I could do.

"I don't have much of that lying around. The last batch of it I made was for Jesus, and your dad only gave me enough for him and his miracles plus this last little bit." Breathing in awkward pants, I drew Death's attention. His hand brushed a cut on my cheek; it didn't heal.

Time passed, and I grew numb to the pain. Eventually, Raphael sighed. The warmth around my ankles disappeared. "That's the most I can do for her, short of a miracle from my dad. We both know why he won't give you one."

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