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Edmund woke very early one morning with a loud gasp, sitting bolt upright in bed as he did.
Catching his breath slowly he glanced at the clock, and wasn't really surprised that it was half past three in the morning, he had sort of gotten used to waking up this time of the morning because of nightmares, this one had been particularly worse than the others, more to do with the fact that it had to do with the state he had found his older brother in after he'd traveled into the west to save his life.
Sighing he glanced over at his brother, who was fast asleep in his own bed, buried beneath the blanket, his breathing heavy as he slept.
Edmund swallowed hard, despite Peter having recovered from his injuries and illness that he'd gotten when he went to get that apple, and despite it being two weeks since he returned, he was still extremely exhausted, sleeping alot more than he usually would, two days ago Edmund caught him falling asleep during dinner, leading to him very nearly faceplanting his food.
A smile smile made its way onto Edmund's face as he remembered Peter's reaction, but the smile slipped when he heard a quiet moan from his brother. He knew in the second that Peter mumbled his name, that his brother was having a nightmare, and quietly slipped out of bed.
Since he'd come back, Peter had been having his fair share of nightmares - to put it one way, and Edmund was usually the "main character" of his dreams.
Tiptoeing across the room Edmund reached his brothers bed, where Peter was tossing his head back and forth and muttering Edmund's name, a look of worry on his face.
Slowly Edmund pulled back the blanket just enough for him to slip in beside his brother, having learnt around four days ago that instead of trying to wake Peter up, him climbing into bed beside him would instantly calm him down, as if - even though Peter was asleep - he could sense that it was his little brother.
Just like the other nights, Edmund carefully wrapped his arms around his still mumbling older brother, and within minutes Peter slowly began to calm down.
Edmund smiled when his older brothers arm wrapped tightly around his waist and he was pulled against Peter's chest.
Once Peter fell silent again, Edmund buried his face against Peter's shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.


A few hours later, Edmund was awoken when he felt the arms around his waist disappear, and when he felt the blankets shift around him.
Opening his eyes and yawning loudly he rolled over and saw Peter sat up, rubbing at his eyes before looking down at him. "Morning." He whispered.
Edmund smiled. "Morning." He replied, preferring to stay laying down for the time being.
"Take it I dreamt last night?" Peter sighed, looking more than a little sorry.
"Yeah." Edmund mumbled. "But you weren't the only one."
Peter stared at him. "What did you dream about?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "The usual." He sighed. "You?"
"I failed." Peter choked, looking away and shaking his head. "I didn't get the apple."
Edmund nodded slowly, swallowing hard and opening his mouth, but he never got to speak before Peter continued.
"I'm sorry I didn't wake up when you dreamt." Peter sighed heavily. "I'm just so tired recently."
"I understand Peter." Edmund said. "It's alright."
Peter sighed before laying back down, turning his head to look at Edmund. "Was it a really bad dream?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head. "Not as bad as some of them." He replied. "I didn't wake up screaming anyway."
Peter nodded slowly. "Thank you." He mumbled. "For - last night."
Edmund smiled gently. "You do it for me." He said with a slight shrug.
Peter smiled back. "You're right." He said. "But I'd do it more if I was actually awake." He added, sounding slightly annoyed.
"Peter please we've been over this." Edmund sighed. "You're exhausted, anyone would be if they'd traveled that far, not to mention the - the injuries you got." He slowly closed his eyes as he said this, the image of his older brother sat against the tree, unconscious, white as paper and covered in blood flashing before his eyes.
Peter placed a hand on his shoulder, causing Edmund to open his eyes again. "You alright?" Peter asked.
Edmund swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before nodding. "Yeah." He mumbled, giving Peter a reassuring smile. "I would just rather forget most things back to when I first stepped foot into Narnia." He added quietly.
"As would I." Peter said. "But it's all over now, we're both alive, and what more could we ask for?"
Edmund smiled slightly. "You're right." He said.
"I'm always right." Peter teased.
Edmund chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "Course you are." He mumbled, looking amused.
Peter grinned. "What do you say we head down for breakfast?" He suggested.
Edmund nodded. "What even is the time?" He asked, slowly sitting up.
Peter glanced over at the clock. "Quater to nine." He mumbled.
Edmund groaned. "Susan's gonna kill us!" He exclaimed playfully. "We're late for breakfast!"
"Come on Ed, there's not really a set time for breakfast as such." Peter said slowly, but stopped when Edmund raised an eyebrow at him. "You're right." He said with a nod. "We better get a move on."
The two quickly climbed from Peter's bed, Edmund looking slightly alarmed when Peter staggered a few steps to the left, gripping the end of the bed quickly before he fell over.
"Peter?" Edmund asked, walking around and standing in front of him.
Peter blinked once, before shaking his head. "Stood up too fast." He muttered with a smirk.
Edmund raised an eyebrow, nodding slowly. "Idiot." He mumbled playfully.
Peter grinned. "Always." He laughed.
Edmund shook his head in amusement before walking over to the wardrobe. "Hurry up Peter!" He said, when he caught Peter stood there staring into space. "We're late as it is!"
Peter looked over at him and nodded. "Right." He said, before running over to the wardrobe himself.

So.... this is gonna be a little different to my other books. As you already probably know, because of the description, this is gonna be more Edmund taking care of Peter instead of the other way around, but I still hope you like it and will stick around till the end 😂😂😘

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