Is She Gonna Be Ok?!

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Diannes pov:
I'm so so excited to go on tour today but I'm also a little upset as I have to leave Joseph which is never easy I don't know how Amy leaves Ben for so long when strictlys on. Anyway im so so excited to start because all of the dances are amazing and I can't wait to see everyone again its been so so long as in 5 days but stilllll!

Ben's pov:
It's the very first day of hctg and I was super excited but there was something about Ames this morning that just didn't seem right, she was really quiet and wasn't eating anything so I sat her down and talked to her but I got nothing back so I just left it until we were in the car and she started to throw up I was just presuming it was her crohns but I still wasn't 100% sure, luckily we had only driven 5 minutes so I just drove back and we got her cleaned up and the car. Then we set off again she still didn't look right when we got there but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want them worrying about her when they've got enough on there minds.

Chloe's pov:
Omg I'm so excited today is the first day of here come the girls I get to perform with my best friends doing the thing I love to say I'm living a dream is an understatement I'm so so happy anyway I got to the theatre we were doing our first show at and realised Amy looked pailer than usual but I just presumed she was ok as Ben hadn't said anything and he usally tells us everything so I just let it slide for just now then Di came over and I told her and she said the same thing...

D~hey chlo how are you feeling, are you excited for the first show?!

C~ye I'm ready Di but Ames doesn't look right, do you know what's going on with her??

D~no but I was thinking that she doesn't does she, she seems to be clinging to Ben quite alot which isn't usual.

C~ye she has actually I really hope she's ok!

D~don't worry chlo I'm sure she'll be fine

Diannes pov:
So me and Chlo had been chatting and we both realise Ames wasn't acting her usual bubbly self so I went over to speak to Ben whilst Ames had gone to the toilet

D~hey Benjamin is there something up with Ames she's not acting herself today?

B~well yes she wasn't acting herself this morning and then she was sick in the car but after that she seemed to cheer up a bit but I'm sure there's still something wrong ye

D~oh poor girl do you think she'll be ok to perform tonight??

B~hopefully she will be!

D~ok bye Brother!

B~by Dianne

Ben's pov:
We were halfway through one of the dances and Amy whispered to me and said she felt really sick and I wasn't taking any chances so we just made an exit early and went backstage. She was sick indeed all that days food gone and I didn't know what to do so I waited for the others to finish and come back stage. When Dianne came over Amy was sat on the floor staring into space and she looked like she was about to pass out!

Diannes pov:
So we were halfway through a dance and suddenly Ben and Amy just left when they weren't supposed to I presumed there was something wrong so I just carried on because I didn't want to ruin the dance as it was one of my main ones, but as soon as we finished I ran backstage to where I saw Amy sat on the floor staring into space and Ben sat on the chair watching her very closely. I asked Ben what happened and he just said to me that Amy was sick and then went to the toilet so I just kinda left it until suddenly Amy who was just sat on the floor had just fallen down onto her back with a thud and was motionless I didn't know what to do as no one else was here because it was interval and they were all getting changed and Ben had just left so I called for him to come back and he ran as fast as he could to see what was going on.

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