Is It All About To Change?!

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This is about Amy and Ben when they see a little girl who's parents abused her what will they do?!

Amy's pov:
So me and ben were driving to the arena and we saw a little girl being hit and kicked by her parents then the parents went into a shop and we got out of the car to see if she was ok...
She told us that her name was Emma so I spoke to her and she told me she was 4 and her parents had been hitting and kicking her since she was 2 I have no idea how they should be able to get away with this!

Ben's pov:
So me and Ames had been speaking to Emma for around 10 minutes when her parents came out and asked who we were we told them we had saw what they were doing to her and we decided to come and speak to her they said that they didn't even want her and she just came along I mean that's just next level so we phoned social services and they came to see us. They decided that we could take her but they needed to check our house first they decided it was fine and she moved in the next week Amy was so happy that she is safe and that she has a daughter!

Amy's pov:
Today is the day where we take Emma too meet everyone else from hctg and to say I'm nervous is an understatement I don't know how they'll react will they be happy excited or annoyed I'm expecting the worst but hoping for the best what on earth am I gonna do if there not happy I mean I can't just leave her and I have to do the show I really hope they're all supportive of it!!

Ben's pov:
We were so so excited but extremely nervous to bring Emma to meet all of the here come the girls cast because they needed to know but Ames is really scared as too how they'd react anyway were here now so I guess we'll find out

Amy's pov:
I was getting Emma out of her car seat and the nerves were so so bad and were starting to get the better of me and I started crying Emma asked me what was wrong I told her it was happy tears but deep down inside I knew it was tears of worry and stress so Ben came over and gave me a hug to kinda make me feel better but I just don't get how I'm so nervous like it's not like I'm about to get an operation or anything

Ben's pov:
I could tell Ames was really stressed so I went over and gave her a hug to calm her down but I knew she wasn't gonna calm down I mean she is telling all of her friends that she adopted a child...

Amy's pov:
Here goes nothing...
Guys were adopting...
The words spilt out and I started to cry what if they all hate me? what if they don't wanna be my friends? what if they don't want me on tour with them? All these thought were rushing through my head then I felt a pair of arms rap around my waist it was Ben finally a little reassurance he i then felt another pair of arms then loads more everyone was so happy for me thank God!!

Ben's pov:
We told them Amy burst into tears so I went over to her and gave her a massive hug and whispered in her ear 'nobody hates you baby they all love you' she calmed down a little and everyone came over and gave her a hug

Dianne's pov:
Amy told us that  they were adopting I couldn't be happier for her but she seemed really upset then Ben walked over too her so I let them have there little moment and then walked over and gave Amy the biggest hug ever I mean I hate to see her upset at the fact that we might be upset that there adopting like how can we not be like over the moon for them!!

Amy's pov:
I'm still really worried I mean how will my family react how will fans react i don't know what to do!! I just need peace to speak to Ben but we're about to do a show and there's no time

Ben's pov:
Amy I could tell was really worried so I took her to the greenroom and asked her why she was so worried about all of this as she was fine this morning so we went in and sat down on the sofa and she burst right into tears what is going on she's never like this and she was so excited before but now she's in floods of tears...

B~Ames what's wrong baby

A~I'm just scared about how my family and the fans will react

B~Awe baby it's ok they'll be fine you're saving a child's life how could they be upset they'll love her

A~I guess so it's just...just
(she bursts into tears)

B~ (giving her a hug)
Ames no one and I mean no one is gonna hate you

A~ye but what if they do you never know!!

B~Ames baby there not gonna hate you at all they all love you and will support you in anything you do

A~I guess thank you so much Ben I love you

B~i love you more than you'll ever know Ames now should we go and get this show done

A~ye let's do this

Ben's pov:
And off we went we performed and Ames did amazing then went we finished we went back to the hotel and got ready for one of the biggest days of our lives Adoption day!!

Amy's pov:
We were walking to the adoption place when I felt Ben grab my hand so I obviously grabbed his back and he said to me...

B~Ames this is the last time we'll do this before we have a kid in between us

A~ye Ben I never thought of that let's make this count then

B~Ames do you think we've made the right decision?

A~of course I can't bare the thought of Emma being with those horrible people any longer

B~neither I really hope we can give her the best life possible and she'll love us as much as she would if we were her real parents

A~I'm sure she will she loved us when we took her out the other day

B~ye that's true now let's go and get her and give her the best life ever.

Again another long one sorry 😂😂

Word count:1141

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