One Word That Changes Your Life!!

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This is a story about Dianne getting all sorts of pregnancy symptoms but what will happen??!

Diannes pov:
So I was in my hotel room getting ready to go and eat breakfast with Chloe when suddenly I felt a rush of sickness come over me I rushed to the bathroom and I sure was sick so I texted Ames because she's probably the best person to go to if I'm feeling like this as she's gone through all sorts with chrones so I text her...

(Texts between Dianne and Amy)

D~hey Ames I need your help x

A~ye di what's wrong x

D~well I was getting ready to go and have breakfast with Chloe and I felt a sudden rush of sickness come over me so I ran to the toilet and I was sick everywhere Ames I don't know what too do

A~babe it will be ok xx do you want me to come to your room xx

D~Don't you wanna spend time with Ben??

A~no no I see him all the time x I'll come and see you babe Ben will be fine xx

D~Ok please can you come then xx

A~Ok babe I'm coming xx

D~Thank you Amy xx

A~no problem x

(Conversation finished)

(Conversation with Amy and Ben)

A~Ben I'm gonna go and see di quickly is that ok

B~ye baby what's wrong with her

A~she was sick and wants me to go and sit with her a while

B~Ok Ames come here
(Ben puts his arms out)

A~(walks over gives him a hug)
bye Ben see you soon

B~bye baby love you

(Conversation finished)

So I went too see di and let's just she wasn't well at all she was throwing up when I got there!!

Diannes pov:
I went to the bathroom to throw up for the 4th time since I text Ames and I do not feel well at all like what's going onnnn when suddenly I felt a hand on my back and someone touch my hair thank God Amy is here I don't know what I'd do without this girl she's absolutely amazing!!

(Conversation with Amy and Di)

A~di how are you doing babe

D~feeling a little better but it's really sore

A~awe babe I know how you feel it's not a good thing is it

D~ye but it's better now that you're here with me

A~awe do you want me to tell everyone that you can't dance or do you want to

D~I want to perform but I just don't know what's going on but I normally only feel like this on my period of shit I'm 2 weeks late!

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