Chapter One - The Meeting

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"Come over,"


He glanced down the hallway and saw Fred and George eavesdropping on whatever conversation was taking place downstairs. He tiptoed down the hall and dropped down next to the twins. "What'd I miss?"

"Nothing much, it,"

"Just started," 

"Getting interesting!" they chorused.

"Now shhh!"

As I strained my ears to hear the voices coming from the kitchen, the blatant hate in some of their voices shocked me. I could hear Dumbledore, Molly, Ron and Ginny the most, they weren't exactly quiet.

"Yeah, of course, I dosed him on love potions, this one lasts two years so get off my back about it! I want my money now, Merlin is it that hard?" I heard Ginny complain. 

"Ron and Hermione, did you mail him letters this summer before you picked him up, or answer any of his?" a voice that sounded like Molly's questioned her son and his girlfriend.

"No, why would we? Potters an annoying little prat anyway, always complaining about the Dursleys and all his homework. As if he would ever be smart enough to do it without my help anyway!" Hermione shot back.

"Molly, dear, calm down. All is well, my Golden Boy is here now and they can make sure he hasn't broken any of the blocks and spells. Just make sure to send him letters next time, we can't have him make any other friends." Dumbledore barked. "I added blocks for his inheritance but we have to make sure Gringotts cannot reach him about it. My plan hinges on him not knowing he's supposed to have an inheritance."

"Yes, Headmaster." Ron, Hermione, and Ginny mumbled. 

"I want my money!" Ginny demanded. "I have to pretend I like the prat, so why haven't I been paid for this month!"

"Us too! We have to spend almost all our time with Potter! Why haven't we been paid yet?!" Hermione and Ron complained.

"What about me! I have to house him and all of you, pretend like I see Potter as a family member, and make sure my other children don't find out about this cause they'll tell him!" Molly spat.

"Be QUIET!!" Dumbledore boomed. "You will wake everyone up at this rate, and nothing will be a secret. You'll all be paid as normal, at the end of the month." Ungrateful brats.

All I could see was red at this point. I could barely make out Fred and George shooting concerned and apologetic looks my way. Why? What did I ever do to deserve this? Now that I was thinking about it, it couldn't have been a coincidence that the Weasley's were the first full Wizarding family that I had met. In fact, why were they coming through the Muggle side of Platform 9 3/4, they were wizards. Now that I thought about it, everything seemed staged. There were way too many coincidences and right place, right time situations. In that moment, I regretted not taking Draco's hand back in first year. He was right about them, unfortunately.

Fred and George looked at each other, the voices from downstairs diminishing as the small Order meeting started to come to a close. 

"Harry, the,"

"Meeting is,"

"Ending, you should,"

"Probably go,"

"To bed, so,"

"They don't realize,"

"You've overheard,"


"You're right Fred, George. I'm sorry."

"What are,"


"Sorry for?"

"This is,"

"Our families,"


"We should be,"

"Sorry for,"

"Not noticing,"

"Thank you guys, I'll just go to bed now I guess. This leaves me a lot to figure out." Harry mumbled dejectedly.



"If you,"

"Ever need,"

"Help escaping,"

"Our terrible siblings and,"

"Their friends,"

"We'll be,"

"Happy to,"

"Help you,"

"Thanks, I guess I'll see you in the morning,"  Harry whispered as he stood and started towards his and Ron's room. He heard a noise and say Fred and George bolt into their room. Shit, they must be coming upstairs, as he ran into his room and slid in bed, not a moment too soon. Ron shuffled into the room, mumbling under his breath about how annoying Ginny was and how he hoped Harry would just marry her already so he could kill him and shut her up. 

Ron eventually fell asleep, and his snores filled the room. Harry cast a wandless silencing charm as he stared out his window at the stars and eventually drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning, wondering why Fate had decided to torture him.

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