I couldn't get his little giggle out of my head. I woke up on time and slid into a pair of black jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers. It was now Sunday. I looked into the mirror and tied up my hair because there was no way I was going to continue to suffer in this blasting heat. I grabbed my phone and walked towards the shop. Once I got to the shop I greeted Tom. "Sup T." He nodded like every other day. I wrapped the apron around me and tucked my hair into the cap. The day began. "So T, how's uhh, blonde number 68." Tom clearly was unamused but I couldn't help but giggle. "Don't worry about that" I snorted. "Alright, alright." Just as I thought the day would go by quickly and smoothly, Blonde 68 came back. "Tommy! Why in the world have you not answered my calls or my texts?" She was clearly not enjoying her time with 'Tommy'. He signaled her toward the back room and I sighed. I grabbed the choco-samples and quickly stumbled outside. I wasn't expecting such a sudden suggestion. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and didn't dare to look up at the scorching sun. Black jeans? Bad idea.I decided to be productive so I daydreamed about the boy from yesterday. Would he ever come back? I mean, he did say he liked hot-chocolate during the summer. The heat was killing me, so I looked back into the shop. Tom and the clearly upset blonde were talking. It looked safe so I decided to go back in. "What do you mean we aren't anything?!" Tom looked bored at this point and spoke lifelessly. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" Blonde 68 was clearly offended and grabbed the tray of choco-samples from my hand and slammed the tray, along with all the steaming hot-choco samples onto Tom. I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth. Tom yelled in pain and quickly ran to the backroom. The girl scoffed and left the shop, clearly still offended by Tom's words. I can't believe what I just witnessed. You know what, who am I kidding? I would totally expect that to happen to Tom.
Half an hour passed and Tom still hadn't come back. I was cleaning the sticky mess on the counter and I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll be right with you-" The boy had come back. "Oh- hey, Corbyn." The light-haired boy giggled and- my, oh my, was that music to my ears. "Hey-" He paused to read my name tag and continued, "Aria, we meet again." I chuckled and grinned. "How can you drink hot-chocolate mid-summer?" I asked curiously. He smiled concealing his nerves and said "Don't normal people drink hot-chocolate mid-summer?" We both laughed. "That's questionable." I chuckled, walked around the counter and stepped behind the register while facing him. "So what can I get you Corbyn, a medium hot chocolate and a glazed donut?" He smiled cheekily and stepped toward the register. "Maybe, or maybe I just came to get your name" I could feel all the blood in my body defy gravity and rush to my face.
Play it cool Aria, come on. "Well, now you know my name is-"
"ARIA!" Tom bursts through the backdoor and is now wearing clean clothes. He doesn't realize there's a customer in front of me, not just any customer but this amazingly handsome stranger, and continues to yell about. "GUESS THE SMELL." I know my face is now redder than before, if that's even possible. I see Corbyn giggling and watching my facial expressions. Damn it Tom. "If I guess will you stop yelling?" "MAYBE" I facepalm and decided to just go with it. "The sea-horse thing" Tom continues to be obnoxious. "Sea horse what though?" I hear Corbyn giggle again. "Sea-horse-mischievous- masterpiece." Tom ran toward us and stopped in his tracks once he saw Corbyn standing there. "Oh, I didn't see you there-sorry, I-" Before Tom left he says in my ear "You should get his number, he's cute" "I know" I say in an 'I'm so-done-with-you tone.' I sigh once Tom walks away. "Sorry about that, it's a struggle to work with your best friend." Corbyn chuckles. "No worries, I'll take my usual order, since you already know it." I feel my cheeks heat up again. "Sure thing." I turn to the choco-machine and through the reflection, I can see him pull out a pen, grab a napkin and write something down.
I finish preparing his order and he pays for his treat. "Have a good day." I smile at him and hope he would disregard all the embarrassment. "You too, Aria." He gives me a cheeky grin and slides a folded napkin to me. He walked toward the door and waved once more. I unfold the napkin and read the scribbles in written in blue pen.
"I also think you're cute, here's my number -Corbyn ;) "

Black jeans- Corbyn Besson
RomansaWhat sane person wears black jeans mid-summer? DISCLAIMER: slight usage of profanity and explicit humor. {COMPLETED STORY} This is completely my own original idea. Corbyn Besson- Why Don't We.