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Chapter 26: Explanation

My sharp pain from my legs, startled me from my sleep. I sat up really quickly trying to move my legs away from whatever is causing me pain. Blood rushed to my head causing the world to spin once more.

"Take it easy." A voice replied and a hand rubbed my head coaxing me to lay back down.

When my vision cleared, all I could see was a bright white light. Is this what death felt like?

"Where am I?" I asked stretching my hand towards the light.

"In the Nox training level." The voice replied and I frowned. I was alive?

"You think I would let you die just yet?" Nyra snapped, her voice bounced around in my head causing me to groan.

I rubbed my eyes trying to ease the tension in on the left side of my brain. I let out a giant yawn and blinked several times, I think it's bedtime.

"Do you want to explain how you got these bruising?" Mama Fra snapped.

"There was a waterfall and Gabriel." I muttered before curling into a ball.

Cold water rained down on me and I sat up with a start. My clothes began to stick to my skin and a small draft worked its way up. I shivered from the cold and wrapped my arms around my body to conceal the heat.

"You know, you could just light yourself on fire." Nyra hissed. She was definitely mad at me. "You think? You could have died. I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Sorry won't cut it. You have to explain." Kai snapped, thinking I was talking to him.

"What's wrong with my legs?" I turned to Mama Fra ignoring Kai's worried slash seething gaze.

"You have severe burns. If that had touched Nyra, you could have killed her. How did you get them? Who is Gabriel?" Alvina responded instead.

I didn't know how to explain it again, especially with Kai in the room. But thankfully I didn't have to because Zephyr interjected, "Gabriel is a friend of mine. Or should I saw 'was'. I am going to kick his butt." Zephyr continued to rant about his fake friend Gabriel.

When no one was watching I sent him a grateful smile which he returned with a quick 'this isn't over' expression. I gulped.

"But that doesn't explain the waterfalls." Clementine pointed out. Curses, couldn't she have pretended not to hear that. All eyes turned back towards me.

"I don't understand why you are hiding it. Isn't it better to be honest with your them? They are your team after all." Nyra scolded.

"It's a part of the mountains that is covered in shrubs. There is a waterfall, remember the myth." Zephyr piped out.

"You have been there?" My eyebrows shot up. Maybe he would know why the water burned me.

"Yeah, how do you think Gabriel knew where to go?" Zephyr shot me a look that said he was lying through his teeth.

"How could you not report this?" Kai glowered looking between me and Zephyr.

"Are you talking to me?" I pointed to myself, not sure who he was talking to.

"Both of you. How could you not report there was a waterfall in the mountains. The Angels could be hiding out there. Come on Zephyr, think." He turned to me, "And you. How come you didn't mention those bruises? What if they had gotten worse? How can I protect you if you won't let me?"

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