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Thanks for deciding to check out my fic! This is my very first one, so excuse me if I don't do something as most people do. I'm still figuring this all out.

This is (obviously) a Dadvid fic. I used a dash of angst, a hint of fluff, and a sprinkling of Gwenvid (I am Gwenvid trash. If you can't stand that ship then I suggest you leave xD)

I'd love it if you guys gave me feedback! Things I could improve on, things I could change, etc.

The cover art was actually done by me. I'm more of a visual artist, but I decided to try Wattpad, as I always enjoyed writing.

But enough of my rambling, let's get into the story!

Heard You Crying (CC Dadvid Fic)Where stories live. Discover now