Chapter 2 - Winds of Change - Part 1

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*Remember to click the play button to listen to the soundtrack as you read!*

Velda woke up much earlier than the other meps, and drowsily turned over, stretching her legs out from where they had been tucked close to her round body. She could still feel her fur's prickles, one of the few defense mechanisms a mep had. Whenever she wanted, and even sometimes when she didn't, like while sleeping or upset, her fur would clump together into larger venomous spikes that would deter anything that might have tried to eat her, had she been in the woods. Nowadays, prickles were more of a bother than anything else, and a few traders advertised cream or soap that would keep your fur soft. Naturally, Velda had never gotten the chance to try something like that, being an orphan and completely broke.

After lying half-asleep for a few more minutes and waiting for her fur to flatten down, Velda opened an eye and saw the window that looked out to the Nirva. The sun was just rising over the trees, surrounded by a beautiful sunrise of greens and yellows. Smiling, she sat up on her hammock and stretched, then silently put on a set of shoes and a hat, and slung her pocket over her shoulder.

Then, in a flash, she remembered what had happened the day before. Where was Cha?

Just as she had decided to go downstairs and see if Cha had slept on one of the couches, she felt a familiar shimmering sensation and heard it say, You are awake quite early. Velda turned around and saw Cha in a sitting position next to the bunk hammock.

You're not still asleep? What are you doing up here?

I do not sleep, Velda.

I guess that makes sense. But were you just staring at me the whole night?

No, I looked around the town and the forest for a while, though I could not be away from the stone for too long at a time. I came back to wait for you to wake an hour ago.

Okay, just making sure.

Cha gave Velda a feeling of confusion. Making sure of what?

That you weren't going to watch me sleep. That would be creepy. I might snore or something. Velda cautiously got up from the hammock, careful to not let the wood creak.

I would not mind. I understand the material need for sleep, and though I do not care for it I will respect yours.

Velda smirked and headed out with Cha at her heels. As soon as she got down to the ground floor, she whispered, "This way," and headed to the back of the main hall, where a door led through the back of the orphanage to the garden outside. She hastily pushed it open and shut it behind them with cautious slowness. "We're not supposed to go back here most of the time. Miss Lexio keeps it private, but she's not going to be awake for a while."

Cha was amazed by the variety of plants in the garden. There were flowers it had never seen before with strangely colored stems and buds. One of the plants had three flowers side by side that looked almost exactly like a dragon head with leafy wings! Velda saw where Cha was turned and said, "They're winged orchids. Pretty neat, huh?"

Cha nodded and followed Velda to a more secluded part of the garden behind a row of flowers growing in patches with all the colors of the rainbow. They were beautiful too, with jagged petals and thin leaves, but Velda looked too preoccupied to consider them. "You need me to make a decision, don't you?"

"Yes, it is that time. I will have you know that I am quite impressed with you. Your personality is strong and you seem plenty brave."

"Well, you only say that because I wasn't scared by you."

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