A Whole New Level of Awkwardness

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What in the world am I doing here? Sophie glanced around, shifting awkwardly in her seat. How did I even get here in the first place? she thought in despair, her eyes not knowing where to land. It was lunch period, and noisy students milled around everywhere, chatting with each other and standing in line to get the strangely amazing food the cafeteria offered. But the loudness did nothing to the awkward silence that had permanently settled over where Sophie was currently seated.

After Sophie's encounter with Keefe, she assumed that that was that and they wouldn't talk to each other ever again. She thought that when Keefe said that they 'were friends', it was just them forgiving each other and moving on with their lives. But apparently not. Sophie had zoomed off to class with a relief in her that made her feel lighter, not even caring that the teacher marked her tardy. She didn't have as many enemies as she used to have, and now she didn't have to worry about bumping into Keefe or Fitz. But right after her period before lunch, she found Keefe outside the door.

Assuming he was waiting for someone else, she walked past him, trying to look like she wasn't ignoring him. Yes, they had 'made up', but she still wasn't entirely sure what 'be friends' meant.

So she was startled when Keefe slung an arm around her shoulders and announced that she would now eat lunch with him and his friends. She had felt like dying with all the stares (mostly glares) aimed her way. So that brings her to the current situation.

Biana sat across from her, and Sophie tried to ignore the obvious daggers that she was shooting at Sophie. Linh sat next to Biana, oblivious to everything and smiling brightly. Once in a while, she would ask Sophie a question and turn all the attention to Sophie, which would result in her turning into a tomato again. Tam sat next to Sophie, if you count the 5 feet between them sitting next to each other. He sat brooding in his own darkness, glaring at anything that wasn't Linh. Fitz sat on the other side of Sophie to her horror. After meeting him formally, he had shaken her hand too (was that a thing at this school?), and Sophie had to hold her breath to keep from fainting and exploding from the overload. He sent her a dazzling smile, also oblivious to the awkwardness and tension that radiated off of everyone. And Keefe. He was the one that started all of this.


As soon as they got to the cafeteria, he was nearly tackled by a hoard of girls, and told Sophie to go on without him. She had, and Fitz had taken his place to guide her to this table. Sophie made up her mind to never sit at this table ever again.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind the table, and Sophie almost fell out of her seat. Keefe stood behind them in all his glory, his hair messed up and his shirt all ruffled up. Sophie couldn't help but notice the way Biana sat up a little straighter. Did she have a crush on Keefe?

Keefe slid into the table, oblivious to the silence, and started immediately talking.

"Hey everyone! What's up?" he looked around the table with a lopsided grin, and Sophie felt her heart slow with relief. Maybe Keefe would talk the whole time, and they wouldn't have to deal with this anymore.

"Hey Keefe," Biana slowly said, batting her eyelashes. Keefe sent a wink her way and Sophie could've sworn that Biana blushed. Looking at Sophie, he gave a smile.

"So, have you met these 4 yet?" he asked. Sophie nodded her head yes, hoping that she wouldn't have to interact with Biana more than she had too. As soon as Keefe started talking to her, the glares got 10 times more deadly. If looks could kill, Sophie would be burnt up and dead.

"So then you and Linh have definitely talked about Harry Potter, right?" Keefe asked, glancing at Linh who immediately lit up.

"You've read Harry Potter?" she asked, a little hope tinged in her voice.

"Who hasn't?" Sophie almost clapped her hand over her mouth at the slip up. She blushed when Keefe smirked at her, and Linh squealed loudly.

"OH MY GOD. I finally have someone to talk to about it!" she nearly screamed. "No one else in this boring school has even watched the movies! Which house are you in?"

"Hufflepuff, the best one," she said shyly.

"Are you serious? Me too!" Linh stood up to shove Keefe aside, ignoring his and Biana's protests.

"I thought you were sitting next to me!" Biana accused, her glare still directed at Sophie.

"You should've read Harry Potter," Linh replied, her new attention focused on Sophie.

Fitz laughed on the other side of Sophie, making Sophie turn red. Even Tam gave a small smile when he saw his sister's energy. Fitz turned to Sophie and whispered to her, "get ready. Once you get Linh to start talking about it, she never stops," Sophie blushed and managed a smile. How did his breath stay so minty, and his smile so dazzling?

As Linh tugged her back, a smile slowly settled across her face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Until she saw Biana's glare and somehow knew that something bad would happen soon.

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