(Maybe) Friends

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Sophie grinned at Linh, her cheeks flushed with laughter and her eyes bright. She had never laughed so hard in her life. Linh might look like an innocent force, but once you got her attention, she was not a force to be reckoned with. The whole lunch period, she had been smiling, barely having enough time to finish her food. Linh's enthusiasticness, Keefe's horrible jokes, Tam's brooding, and Fitz's charming smiles made Sophie feel more welcome in Firefox, and this was the most she had smiled ever since Firefox.

The only thing she was now concerned about were the obvious glares aimed at her from all ways. For one thing, Biana, who sat in front of Sophie, didn't bother to hide her disdain, and Sophie could still feel her angry glares. Stina, who sat across the cafeteria, still managed to glare at Sophie and make her uncomfortable. Marella sat in her own corner at her own abandoned table, shooting a... betrayed look? at Sophie ever once in a while. And don't forget all the other girls at every single table either looking wistfully or in contempt at Sophie.

Still, Sophie was content. Happy, even. Time seemed to fly by during the lunch period, and she jumped when the lunch administrator gave the 5 minute warning. A strange feeling of sadness coursed through her stomach when she realized that she would have to leave. The 'vacker gang' probably were just being nice to her, and this was probably the only and last time she would even consider someone in Alabama her friends.

Gathering her stuff, Sophie turned to say goodbye to the table, surprised when Linh grabbed her sleeve.

"You're gonna sit here tomorrow, right?" Sophie eyes widened at the question. "It was really fun talking to you," Linh said, wringing her hands. "I hope you'll come visit again if not tomorrow,"

Sophie swallowed the rising feeling of hope in her chest. "Wait. You actually want to sit with me again?" she blurted out, and smacked a hand over her mouth.

Linh furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the other members. "Well, yeah. I mean, you're pretty cool, and you love Harry Potter, which is an added bonus," Sophie couldn't help but smile at that, her insides going crazy with the feeling of acceptance.

"Well-" Sophie started, then stopped. Was she seriously going to say yes? Sophie glanced around as if looking for some type of help from someone, and was met with the murderous gazes of Biana, Stina, and Marella. What was she supposed to do? She knew what they wanted her to say, but she didn't know if she wanted that answer. It was actually fun to sit at this table and to find people with the same interests with her.

"Come on Soph! You have to sit with us!" Sophie blushed with shock when Fitz interrupted her thoughts, and even though he didn't like her like she maybe liked him, she couldn't help but eat up his words. He even came up with a nickname for her, and they had barely even met.

Soph. She thought dreamily.

"Yeah. You're not as bad as you seem," came Keefe's reply next with a snicker. That caused a small smile from Sophie, who then looked at her feet. She didn't expect them to like her so much. It gave her a warm fuzzy feeling when she thought about sitting with the gang everyday, and hanging out with them.

Sophie saw Linh nudge Tam as if prompting him to say something, but she just got a glare in reply. Sophie couldn't help but smile at that. Typical Tam.

Maybe she could be happy in Alabama. Maybe she could make friends. Until Biana's reply broke through her happy thoughts.

"I'm sure she's busy," Biana nearly snarled. Sophie's head shot up, and she flinched at Biana's cold stare.

"Uh-I-um" Sophie spluttered. Right. She nearly forgot that Biana hated her guts. It probably wasn't a good idea to join a group with the most popular girl in the school hating her.

"She just moved here, and she probably didn't finish unpacking or whatever," Biana stated with a duh tone. The group slowly started nodding in understanding and Sophie's heart sank. They'll probably forget about her after a while, and she didn't need to pester them any more than she had already.

"Then we should help her unpack!"


Sophie's head shot up at Keefe's exclamation.

"She lives in our neighborhood, too," he gave a smirk at Sophie's shocked stare. "Fitz and Biana live right next to me," he explained. "Linh and Tam live in a different part of the neighborhood, but it's not that far."

"That's a great idea!" Linh squealed. "Is it okay if we come over?"

"Uh-sure?" Sophie answered, unsure of what to say. These totally new people that she's never met hung out with until today wanted to help her unpack? What was with these people in Alabama? They kept surprising her in weird ways. Was it weird to have new people in your house after talking to them for one lunch period?

"Great! Let's all exchange numbers and text the deets later this week," Fitz said, and Sophie blushed yet again at the thought of having a boy's number. No. Make that three boys numbers. What did she do to get here? Before this, she couldn't even stand being in the same room with a boy!

They all quickly passed around their phones (Sophie had flushed when she realized that hers was the only cracked one, and their phones were all the new ones). But when it got to Biana, she simply stated "I forgot my phone at home".

Sophie sighed at the coldness, and she tried to shrug it off. Why did Biana hate her so much? Before they even knew each other, she seemed to hate her. It wasn't that weird that Biana disliked her because she seemed to dislike any girl that wasn't Linh or Stina, but she seemed to especially hate Sophie.

Sophie didn't have much time to dwell on that, though. This weekend, five people were coming to her crazy house. Sophie just hoped she didn't die of embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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