Hello old friend

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Sarah sat in her room reading the labyrinth knowing it will due her no good. She only reads it for when she's bored. Sarah sometimes will watch as her father comes home with take out, tired and a little sober from the night before. Sarah's dad had just lost another wife, she didn't die just, didn't want to be in a family where the dad sides either his daughter saying she's not crazy. Even sometimes Sarah's dad will come home drunk, and abuse Sarah and yell at her for making him lose to beautiful wife's. Sarah had gotten used to it by Know. She gave all of the toys her mom and her co-actor gave to her, she only did it because she grew up a bit. She gave them to the homeless children or to family's who can't afford fancy things for their kids.

Sarah flopped the page and read what the book version of her and jareth in the ball room was like.

Sarah eyes went wide and put in the red ribbon for a book mark and placed her tips of her fingers on her lips "d did he" she tried to think back, he didn't but she knew he wanted to. Only to make her stay and forget about Toby, that kinda made her a little mad.

Sarah heard the door slam and prepared for the worst, she got grabbed a hair tie and went to the bathroom and grabbed the things she needed for what will happen after she welcomes her father home from a long day, which is.

Pain killer
Ice pack

Sarah set the things in her room then went down stairs.

"Hey dad welcome hom-" she was cut off by her fathers back hand hitting her cheek. Causing her to trip, "DIDNT I TELL YOU TO STAY IN YOUR ROOM YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH" Sarah's heart sunk, she was never called a bitch before mostly an ungrateful one, she vowed to never be a cry baby. But tears already started to show, she covered her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. And tried to keep quiet.

"OH COME ON ARE YOU REALLY GONNA CRY, BE A BITCH AND GROW UP" he threw the glass bottle making Sarah jump. Her dad came close and grabbed her hair, and slapped her and gave her a black eye,

After he hit her many times he dropped her hair and sniffed. "Got to your room, NOW!" She did as she was told and didn't stomp didn't match but walked up the stairs into her room.

Once inside she got to work tending to her face. She slumped into her chair and sighed. She got up and grabbed her book, and sat on the chair next to her window and began to read. She stopped and looked out the window, the same owl she would see at the park, the same owl she saw an old friend transform into an owl and fly off. Well Sarah wouldn't say an old friend, but would like to think of it that way.

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