New school

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Sarah woke up hearing an echo of jareths voice singing the lullaby she ask for. She threw back the covered and realized she was still in the clothes she wore the day before, she got up and looked out the window to see the same door. She smiled and turned to see a uniform on her vanity. She grabbed the clothes then went into her bathroom undressed then turned on the shower and began to wash up, she'd rather take a bath but figured she'll take one when she gets home.

Once done she opened the small cabinet and found bandages and an eye patch. With small yet strong string so she can hide it under her hair.

She threw on under wear and a bra, then the black stockings that look like leggings, the white shirt that looked like a Victorian shirt. A grey plaid skirt that went to the bottom of her knees, and threw on the sweater that was like her other. And put on her tie.

She left the bathroom and went to her room took her adidas shoes and threw them on and grabbed her ballet slippers. And found her back with schools supplies in it with a card,

'Happy early sixteenth birthday kiddo, I should be down stairs waiting for you with a good breakfast and your lunch!.
She smiled and packed her labyrinth book and the chocker she found on the vanity and her ballet slippers and phone.

Sarah made her way into the kitchen to find Oscar sitting on the counter sipping coffe. He looked up and smiled "there she is the princess back from the ball" she smiled and sat at the table and started to eat but was pokeing at her food. He looked down and patted her head "I know I know, I should of told you earlier but, you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up" she nods.

Once finished with her food she grabs her lunch and puts it in her bag, she grabs her head phones from the table and stuffs them into her bag, and heads to the door. Outside a buss at the end of the driver way awaits for her.

"KIDDO HAVE A GOOD DAY!". She turned and waved, to Oscar who stood on the porch and waved back. She stepped on the bus and looked at all the kids who stopped what they were doing and look and glared and glanced at her. She smiled shyly then sat on the second seat close to the back, she pulled out her phone and head phones. Plugged them in and played her mix on Spotify, and blocked out the noise around her. The song that played was first burn, a song she would see herself singing to her lover as the two play Alexander and Eliza in Hamilton. She wipes her eyes and Though of jareth.

Half way into the ride her phone dinged twice. One was a message from Oscar and the other from an unknown number. She opened the message from Oscar and laughs to her self, then opens the other message.

'To my dearest lovely Sarah, this May come unknown but guess who it is and it will be the sender of this message, think of rain, ballroom, owl, clock, magic, time and generous."
Sent at 7:45

She thought for a bit then pulled out the small note book and pulled out her mechanical pencil and wrote down what the hints were.

Sarah praises her music and took off her head phones and put everything back in her bag and got ready to get off the bus.

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