Happly ever after

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Jareth burst open the front doors as loud as thunder. The goblins sprites stopped and turned, as quick as a flash he dashed off straight To the room. "YOUR MAJESTY WAIT YOU CAN GO IN THERE!" He turned while running "I DONT GIVE A FUCKING DAMN I NEED TO SEE MY WIFE!" They all dashed after their king.

Sarah screamed in pain. "It's alright lacy a few more pushes then it'll be over" she winced in pain and pushes crying in pain. "Almost there your grace we can see a bit of the head!" She laid back almost giving up but pushed harder causing her to go pail and sweat more.

"Breathe your majesty we can see the head more," "please your grace your almost there!" The door burst open and a guard came in slamming the door behind him.

"how many times do I have to say this, NO BLOODY MEN IN HER GRACES CHAMBERS WHILE DELIVERING!" "I know I know b but he's c coming f fast as a r ragging storm!" "Emily block the door Ginny close lock and cover the window!, Lilly sit next to her grace and comfort her. HURRY WE DONT WANT TO WORRY HIM MORE!"

Jareth skids to a stop and rams his shoulder into the door. He did this a few times. Sarah laid there crying softly and bitting onto the top of her dress.

"Alright your grace one last push then the child is here," she nods breaths in and screams in pain as she pushes one last time.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHH!" the scream that came from Sarah echoed through the room. Not only did she scream, but the child that she had delivered. And by then jareth ha dale eats rammed the door open. And luckily the guard was out of the way.

Jareth looked up pail. And shaking he saw Sarah lay there more pail then him covered in cold sweat and her hair scattered around her. "Sarah" and stumbled over but made it by her side and held her. "I it hurt a so much" "shh it's alright it's over".

Ginny one out of the four hand maids. Came over holding a bundle of white soft cloth. "Congratulations your majesty's it's a boy!" The two looked at each other with tears and smiles.

Sarah reaches out and took her baby from ginny who smiled bowed and went back to cleaning the table and ringing out the cloths that they used then leaving the room.

"What did you have in mind, for a name" she smiled. "Well James Oscar Simon or... Toby" Sarah's heart sunk, she missed Toby and her dad, even though she hates to admit it but she missed him.

"I like James," "why cause it kinda sounds like your name?" "Maybe" he kisses her cheek gently and held her and the baby.

Even though in the above ground Sarah would be seventeen. Down in the underground nothing ages and time doesn't effect you your anything.

Sarah will some times go see Oscar. And some times she'll bring baby James and jareth. Oscar was over the moon when he saw and meet baby James for the first time. But to the people of the above ground the see Sarah jareth and James as as a theater family.

Jareth leans in the door way and smiles as he watches his young beautiful wife nurse his first born.

He got off the door way and walked into the room and picked Sarah up along with the babe. "Jareth be careful!!, I could of had dropped him!" "But you didn't did you" he set them on the bed and laid next to them.

Jareth held Sarah. Sarah held James. And James held his fathers pinky. Jareths heart melt and he wipped his eyes.

He turned to Sarah and kissed her. "I love you" she smiles "I love you more" "you do?" She chuckled a bit and kisses her sons soft head that has blond and brown mixed hair. "I do".

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