Sarah! Sarah can you hear me!

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Sarah hid in her room all afternoon once she got home. Scared her dad would be on his way to get her. And if so she would run straight for the door pulling Oscar with her, only because she wants him safe to.

Sarah laid her head back on her pillow and sighed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she felt something like a small box. She lifted her head up and saw what was under her head.

A mix tape?.

She picked it up and looked at it. She reached for her bag and pulled out her walk man. She opened the lid and set the tape inside and hit play.

Tears hit her eyes once she heard the first note of the song, this was the song her mom and dad played and singed for her when she was a babe. And now it found her agin and sings for her.

She didn't and did like it.

Didn't like it because her mom wasn't there to sing it to her nor her dad to play his guitar while her mom sang. And not only that thoughts of her and jareth played in her head.

The times the were angry at each other. The time she cowered before him. The time they dance when it all was a trick, and the time she defeated him. She wanted to take the crystal from his hand and accept but. Her family was more important that a silly dream.

She covered her eyes with her arm and laid there holding back the tears of the years that went by.

She heard the door open and close.
"SARAH IM HOME!" She sat up and grabbed her phone. 'T that didn't sound like o Oscar' she thought and locked her door. And backed away, she called Oscar.

She went pail. It wasn't Oscar. "H h he's here h he's here" "Sarah where are you?" "I I'm my room, o Oscar I'm scared!" "It's ok calm down breathe and call 911 ok" " o ok"

Sarah turned off the lights and shut the curtains and called 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency"

Sarah told the person on the other end in tears pail and feels like she might black out.

She rapped a blanket over her and tried not to ball into tears. And just when things couldn't get better. A slam came to the door. She screamed. She gasped and and covered her mouth.

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