4 - insight

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Shancai: "Tell us everything! How are your jobs in the big life? Hey, Meizuo—are you still happily married?"

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Shancai: "Tell us everything! How are your jobs in the big life? Hey, Meizuo—are you still happily married?"

Meizuo: "Hey. I'll answer that when you answer that first."

Ximen: *laughs*

Shancai: "What?"

Ah Si: "Heyy, what kind of a question is that? Of course she's happily married. She's married to me—"

Shancai: "Daoming Si. I can speak for myself."

Ximen: "Ha! Shancai, is it just me or have you become even stronger these last few years we haven't seen you? Damn, I can't imagine being married to Ah Si for so long. Is he training your perseverance?"

Meizuo: *snickers*

Lei: *smiles* "Honestly, I'm astonished you're both still alive."

Meizuo: "You mean amazed they haven't ripped each other's throats out yet?"

Ximen: "Poor Xiao He."

Ah Si: "Hey—shut up, all of you! Did I ask for your opinion? Why don't you all keep your noses where they belong, before I break them off."

Shancai: "Daoming Si..."

Lei: "Ah Si, relax. Don't worry. We're just messing around... obviously, you and Shancai are happily married; otherwise you wouldn't already have a child."

Ah Si: "Right? I know, right?"

Ximen: *sighs* "I can't believe these two numbskulls. It's been five years, and no one is letting us in on any kind of insight whatsoever! You refused to touch each other until you got married, and now that you have, we're still not hearing the good stuff."

Shancai: *blushes*

Ah Si: "H-Hey—Ximen! Shut up before I kick you out of here!"

Meizuo: *laughs* "Ximen, can't you see? You're making Shancai uncomfortable. Look, she's as red as a tomato."

Shancai: "No, I'm not! Shut up, both of you!"

Lei: *chuckles*

Ximen: "Actually, both of them are pretty red."

Ah Si: "Hey, did I ask for your opinion? You all are being shitty house guests right now. All of you. What kind of guests are you? Should we even serve you dinner tonight, I'm not sure."

Shancai: "I'm not sure either."

Ah Si: "Hey, Shancai. Should we feed them to the pigs?"

Shancai: "Daoming Si, good idea."

Ximen: *laughs* "Hey... hey! Are you seeing this? Are you guys seeing this? They've agreed to feed us to the pigs! They're actually agreeing on something because of us. Your welcome. I'd say that deserves a Nobel Prize, don't you?"

Meizuo: "Oh, yeah. We deserve a new hotel— no. An island!"

Lei: "Don't forget a specialised yacht."

Shancai: *laughs*

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