5 - happy together

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Huaze Lei, Ximen and Meizuo are all caught up in their work

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Huaze Lei, Ximen and Meizuo are all caught up in their work. Apparently, this is peak season for them. But—even though they've complained so much about how useless their jobs were in the past—now, they're complaining even more about how much more they have to do.

"You're all such sissies," Daoming Si says. "Man up. It's just a bit of work."

"Hey—says you! You don't have to work this kind of life anymore," Ximen reminds. "Since you've left your family, and your inheritance and your whole life behind, what kinds of jobs have you been working, exactly?"

Daoming Si thinks for a moment, his expression carefully brooded into a frown. He shoots, "More enjoyable jobs than you guys!"

"Bartending, fishing, market-selling—"

"Heyy, knock it off already," Shancai scolds, throwing them all a warning glare. "Don't say anything that might discourage him... Personally, I think Daoming Si is doing a very good job following through with all these different lines of work! It's so distracting, you know? He has to keep refocusing on something new, and he has to do it well too. This whole house would be buried six-feet under if not for him, since I can only work two jobs currently. Xiao He takes up so much of my time. So—Daoming Si has really proved his worth as the man of the house."

Daoming Si has grown quiet. He is shy, Shancai knows; his eyes are the giveaway, fixing hesitantly o na spot on the table. It's a known saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Shancai had realised—the longer she knew him, and the deeper she fell—just how true this saying shines through regarding her husband.

Daoming Si shuffles in his seat, saying a small, "Thank you..."

That makes Shancai smile.

He senses his wife smiling, and turns to meet her gaze. She watches as his own expression twitches into one of warmth, his dimples playful, his eyes alight with that child-like feel that Shancai has grown to love so much. Her smile broadens.

"What are you two weirdos doing now?" Meizuo asks.

"Hey. Don't disturb them," Lei warns jokingly. He smiles faintly.


The sky has begun to fade into late evening, a deep blue resonating amidst the day. The F4 bid their farewells for the day as they lead each other to their cars. Ximen, Lei and Meizuo have booked penthouses in the hotels closer to the heart of the city. They'll be staying there for a week, seeing Shancai, Daoming Si and Xiao He. Secretly, Shancai feels guilty that they can't offer up their own home as a place to stay. It's too small... Daoming Si had used the last of the money he'd had access to (before his mom cut him off) to buy this little house, on the outskirts of Taipei. Shancai loves it so, so much. It's the peaceful life she's always wanted. But there is only one guest room and, sadly, despite how close they claim to be, the F3 refuse to share that one room. Although—now that she thinks about it—she should have expected that from a bunch of rich, spoiled young masters who have had their own hot tubs since they were nine.

Shancai steps onto the porch, her arms folded. It's getting darker. Daoming Si lingers ahead, next to Meizuo and Ximen's cars, bantering and laughing with them as they say goodbye for today. Shancai watches them.

"It's still the same, isn't it?" Lei calls from behind her. She turns to look at him. He steps into place next to her, and she relaxes. His eyes are glassy and thoughtful, as always. "You would think with all the changes—you and Ah Si, the child, and the three of us working big time—that maybe we would have changed too."

Warmth rises in Shancai's chest as she registers his words. Registers just how right he is. She nods, "Yes. You're right... it's still the same."

"I guess there really are some things that never change."

"The amazing F4 is one of them," she jokes.

Lei turns and stares at Shancai for a long time, "So is you and Ah Si."

She turns and locks gazes with him, suddenly serious. After a moment, she grins.

"How have you been, Lei?"

"Same as always."

"Have you met anyone yet?"

"You mean, my fiancé? ...no. Not yet. But since you and Ah Si eloped together, I've been wildly inspired," he cracks a teasing smile. "I think you guys are a bad influence on me."

She laughs, "Hey! I mean, to be honest, I think so too—but you'd better pick a safer route than us, you hear me? Play it smart."

"I can't make any promises."


Ah Si finishes clapping Meizuo and Ximen on the back—spewing lasting insults to one another—before turning to head back to the house. His eyes land on Lei and Shancai standing side-by-side on the front porch, talking. For a moment, Ah Si stills... and then he makes his way towards them.

"Hey," he says. He looks from Shancai to Lei, and then turns back to gaze at Shancai. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing," she replies. He knows she pretends not to notice the tension that grills him inside out as he watches the two of them... well, he can't help it. "We were discussing the Lei's potentially juicy future drama. If he ever has the balls to, that is."

Lei scoffs a laugh, "Yes. That."

Shancai giggles.

"But also, how you and Shancai haven't changed one bit," Lei admits, staring at Ah Si. "You guys look very happy together."

Shancai's cheeks pink slightly and she looks down. That makes Ah Si smile.

"Well... yes," the faintest, shyest smile blooms across Ah Si's lips in response. With lack of something to do, he tugs at the edges of his shirt and slips his hands into his back pockets. He murmurs flatly, "You're right... we are very happy together."

The corner of Lei's mouth twitches, "Good on." Ah Si is pretty sure he means it.

Eventually, the F3 limos drive away, disappearing into the fading light of evening. The sky is a clear, uneven colour palette of numerous blues. Ah Si and Shancai stand side by side on their porch, staring after the cars which are now specks of dust in the day. Her arm touches his. After only a moment of thought, he grabs hold of her hand. She doesn't resist. Without looking at her, he gently envelopes her hand in his, threading their fingers together and clasping them snugly. When she still doesn't resist, a huge burst of happiness enflames in his chest. He wants to leap for joy.

"What?" Shancai demands, but he hears the blush in her voice. "What's with that stupid look on your face?"

"What stupid look?" He retorts, his brain scattered.

"Come on, already... let's go inside. Xiao He is waiting, you fool," she shoves him with her shoulder, and the two of them stagger backward, heading into the house. She laughs. He wraps his hand around her waist, leading her inside, and she clings to the hand that holds her, leaning into him. It's the most finalising gesture.

epilogue|| DAOMINGSI and SHANCAIWhere stories live. Discover now