Part two. A new life

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It's officially been a year since I moved
in with my brother. The scares on my arms and legs have faded and my light blue hair has grown down to my upper back. While living with my brother, my quirk has become stronger, and I've become a lot more confident as a person.
"I can't wait! School starts tomorrow!" Mina said. Kirishima smiled and said, " Yah! We're going to do great. And Millie here will shock everyone with her quirk."
"Shut up!" I said with a smile, " It's not that big of a deal."
"Bro you have a quirk that lets you pause time and manipulate anything within that space. That's impressive," Mina said.
Mina wasn't wrong. Even All Might said it was impressive, but I didn't really care how powerful my quirk was because I couldn't yet control it. My potential was almost limitless, but that really didn't matter if I can't control it now.
"Millie! Look! It's a clothing store!" Mina said while jumping up and down.
Kirishima smiled and said, "I'll leave you to it. I'm going into the Mann store."
"Of course you are," I said.
He waved at us and walked away.
Mina and I looked through all the clothes. This light blue mask particularly caught me eye. This could be good for my costume.
"Hey Millie, how's your brother doing. You haven't talked about him in a while," Mina said pulling me from my thoughts.
"He's fine," I lied.
The truth was. About six months after I moved in with him, he changed. He wasn't around anymore and left Toga and Dabi in charge.
"Oh, are you sure because whenever we drop you off at your house, he's never there," Mina said.
When I didn't respond, an awkward silence filled the air that ended when Mina changed the subject. She  grabbed me hand and dragged me to the dressing room. As we tried on all different clothes I let my mind relax and enjoy this moment which turned out to be a blast.
"Bye Mina and Kirishima! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" I yelled as they walked away.
I walked into my home and set down my bags.
"What's this!" Toga (one of my brothers coworkers) said.
"It's some clothes I bought while I was out," I said with a smile.
Toga, despite what other people may think, is very kind and gives off big sister vibes.
I pulled out the blue mask I bought earlier and tried it on.
"Go put on you outfit," Dabi muttered from behind the counter.
Dabi was basically the complete opposite of Toga. It was like his goal to shut people off from him. Even though I lived with him for a while now, he still hasn't spoken a word about his past which I thought was really odd.

I took out my costume from my drawer and tied my hair into a ponytail. I was wearing a blue tank top with a jean jacket and blue leggings that met around my knee. The mask and the makeup around my face made me a lot less noticeable. I checked the time. It was 3:17. I had about three hours before UA dropped off my school outfit.
Toga burst through the door and gasped. "Your mask really gives you a stealth mystery kind of mood yah know?" She said.
"Yah that's what I was hoping for. Since I'm going to UA, I can't afford to be caught," I said.
The car honked outside.  Toga grabbed my arm and practically dragged me outside.
"Get in," Dabi said through the tinted car windows.
We jumped in the car and Dabi sped off into the busy evening street.

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