Part three. The deal

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The sharping of knifes felt oddly satisfying as we drove to our mission. The lack of talking really let the little things shine through.

"We're here!" Toga said in a singing voice.
"Come on we're late," Dabi said.
I could hear distant gunfire coming from somewhere around the corner.
"This time it's drug dealers!" Toga said as she skipped in-front of us.
I smiled and said, "This should be a blast!"
"It's stealth mode so shut up. We have to kill the dealers so some of my guys can get the jackpot. Gold and drugs like that is sold for a lot of money here." Dabi said. He then clinched up his first and stared into space. That was his signal that he meant business which isn't unusual to see. Most villains did this so they wouldn't be caught off guard by their feelings. I've been told to do this, but I don't kill a lot of people so it doesn't apply to me.
"There just drug dealers so I'm not killing them," I said in advance. Many people in the villain world always believed that to become a villain you have to kill a lot of people, but that's not all that true. I only intend on killing two people in this world and one of them I've already killed. That angers a lot of people. They believe that it's wrong to make my own principles and that I should stick with the normal ones but that's just something I can't do no matter how hard I try.
"When are you going to just kill someone. You live in a villain household you can't just not kill people," Toga said as we neared their hide out.
I didn't have time to respond because the door to the abandoned building flew open and three big guys came out.
"Bro, people are lookin for this stuff specially them villains. We gonna have to move soon," Guy number one said.
"We're not moving. If the villains want to talk we'll talk. If they don't we'll just beat em up," Guy number two(who I believe is the boss) said.
Dabi signaled me to head to the front of the building. I ran towards the front entrance and waited by the car. I watched as Toga silently made her way up towards the top of the building. She gave both of us a thumbs up when she successfully made it to the front part of the roof. Dabi proceeded to move closer to the guys. I could see the blue flames rising under this coat. I counted down the seconds before he strikes. He usually took about 20 to 30 seconds before attacking. Before I got to 15, someone grabbed me from behind.
"Get off me!" I whispered. Someone from inside the building must have been keeping watch. I let my powers surge through me. I could feel the energy escape my hands and flood into every one of his atoms. I used this paused state as an opening to tear apart large amounts of his atoms; giving him large cuts to his face and legs.
"Good try buddy, but you had no chance," I said, a small smile creeping into my face.
I heard yelling and gun fire coming from the building.
"Looks like it's my time to shine!" I shouted as I rolled up my sleeves and marched into battle.

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