I dunno...

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Anyone wanna ask me something about myself or my life? I will possibly answer. It depends on what the question is about... *siiiggghhhh* my anxiety tho.... -_- aight, imma do a small fanfic  cause I'm bored and people are supposed to do stuff to entertain themselves when they get bored... right? Aight imma shut up now and write the fanfic. T-T


Ok, I know this sounds weird but I kinda sorta maybe a little bit like blasty... Mina helps me with this kinda stuff though... "Hey Kiri!!" I look up to see Mina running towards me. "How was your weekend?" She asks as she hugs me. "Good!" I say. Even though I didn't have such a good day I lied. I don't want her to worry... "what did you do? You kept on saying you couldn't hang out..." I looked at her and said, "oh nothing much... I just had a lot of... chores.......?" Oh god... that was obvious wasn't it?!


I know that Kiri is acting weird... I don't want him to know that I'm catching on to what's happening. He says he can't hang out during the weekends. He isn't paying attention in class... I know what's happening. He's hiding hid feelings to much. It's distracting too much. "Hey, can I talk to you after school at my dorm?" I ask hoping he will say yes. "Sure!" Thank goodness!

*after school. (I'm lazy ok?)


Hhhmmmm... when is he coming back?? He's been in the bathroom for five minutes now! He knows I get impatient! I hope he's ok! "Hey, Kiri? You ok?" I call from outside the boys bathroom. "Yeah..." he answers. I can tell something's wrong... 


I can't go out!! I look like a tomato! Today I accidentally fell on Bakubro... he just looked at me and walked away... no yelling. I finally come out of the bathroom and Mina drags me to her room. "Why are we going to your room again?" I ask. Mina doesn't look at me and keeps dragging me along. "Ok. We're here." She says. Why did she randomly drag me here? "Hey, uhm this isn't your-" I was cut off by Mina opening the door to... "BAKUBRO!?" I yell/ask. I clap my hands on my mouth just realizing what I said. "What? You got a problem with me being alive or something?!"

*Bakubro- I mean Bakugou*

Now that I think about it, Shitty hair seems to have a problem with my existence... every time I walk into the room or he sees me he just looks away. He used to be all up in my personal space but now... "hey, Kirishima....? You ok...?" I ask. Kirishima and Pinky look at me like I'm crazy. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT LOOK FOR!?" I yell/ask. "AND WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!" Kirishima looks red. And I can see tears form in his eyes... what have I done...? "I- uhm... nothing... w-we should leave... it doesn't seem like you want us here anyway..." Kirishima runs out of my dorm... "Hey! That was rude!" Pinky glares at me. "Yeah... whatever..."


I don't know what I did wrong! I was dragged there by Mina from her dorm! What did I do?! "Kirishima! Wait!" I here Mina, and I stop. "Look, I'm sorry-" I walk over to her. She backs away... "d-do you think I l-look scary? Is t-that why he d-doesn't like me...?" I ask trying to hold back tears. It wasn't working. I can't be manly if I start to cry! "Hey,... you aren't scary..." Mina said as she walked towards me. I hugged her as she was standing in front of me.


I heard all of that... I-I don't hate him... I... I just... I'm scared... "hey, Mina?" Huh? "Wats up Kiri?" What- "do you think I will ever love someone who loves me back?" But I do- "I think I might try to move on from Bakugou... I know he'll never love me..." THATS IT! "YOU IDIOT!" I yell. Kirishima looks up at me. "B-Bakugou?..." I start to cry. No! Stop crying you need to tell him you worthless little- "YOU! YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT TO THINK I DONT LOVE YOU!" I start to cry more. I break down on to the floor, clutching my shirt. "YOU COULDN'T SEE THAT?! YOU! YOU COULDN'T SEE IT!? THATS INSANE!" 


Bukugou... he loves me back... but I just said all of that in front of him... I JUST SAID I WAS GONNA TRY AND MOVE ON FROM HIM! "Bakugou!" I run to him and collapsed to the floor. "I...-" "n-no." I look at him. What did he mean no!? Wh-wha-" I can feel tears again... did he just tell me he loved me then say that he didn't...? "No... I can't... I'm not... NO!" Wait... I look down and he's sleeping... he looked really tired all week... he fell asleep....? "You should take him to your dorm so he can explain what's going on with him." Mina says as she walks closer. "What do you mean?" I ask. "If he doesn't tell you, I will." She says as she helps me and Bakugou up. "Ok...?" I ask/say.

*Bakugou's dream*

"Bye... Bakubro..." i here Kirishima say. He's lying on the floor covered in blood. "NO!" I yell. "NOT LIKE THIS KIRISHIMA!" I yell louder. "I will always love you Bakugou..." Tears stream down my face. "KIRISHIMA! NO! I CANT- I CANT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!" Tears start pouring out. "I... love.... you...." His body lay still. He's not breathing. "No..." I say. No..."

*Bakubro- BAKUGOU!*

*GASP* I wake up tears pouring out of my eyes. I look around and see Kirishima next to me, crying. "BAKUGOU!" He hugs me tightly. "K-Kirishima..." I just sit there listening to Kiri cry in my chest. "I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING!" He says crying more. "It's ok Kirishima..."

To 🐝 continued...

I'm evilllllll! Mwahahahahahaha! No I'm not. It's not even that good. But still. I'm evil. I hope you "enjoyed" that thing that I wrote. Now imma go reply to some one of my friends.

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