Ok, the kitchen is very important.

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What is that sound... I get out of my sleeping bag and walk towards the kitchen. I activate my quirk just in case it's a villain. I look into the kitchen and see,


Oh shit. Someone's up. "Tokoyami?" I here Kirishima. "Why are you up so late?" *sigh* "Dark shadow needed a late night snack.... without it he'll kill me..." we stared at each other for a minute. "Why are you up so late?" I asked. "Oh. I heard a noise and..." he deactivated his quirk. "I thought it might have been a villain..." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh." I held my chips and ate one. "Here." I gave some to Kirishima. We talked for a bit then we heard something. "Shitty hair??" Oh god... it's Bakugou... "hey man. Why are you up?" Kirishima asked him. "Because you weren't there and the freaking lights on in the kitchen you dumbass." Ugh... "I'm going back to sleep now- aah!" Ok, now me, Kirishima, Bakugou and, Tsu are awake... "why are you guys up??" She asked. "We couldn't sleep...?" I said. It sounded more like a question though... "oh... was it *yawn* Dark shadows midnight snack thing? Kero" she knows Dark shadow too well. "Yes. Now go back to bed. It's almost 2:00." I said. "I can't. I've been up since 1:00." "What were you doing??" She looked over to her sleeping bag. "I was laying in my sleeping bag on Wattpad." She responed. "Oh. I do that sometimes." I said. "Uh... ok...?" I turned around to see Kirishima and Bakugou sitting there. Just staring at us. "Do you guys know what Wattpad is...?" I asked. It didn't seem like it. "We do!!" They said at the same time. "Oh. Ribbit" I'm getting tired... "I'm gonna go to bed now." I said walking towards my sleeping bag. "I am too." Kirishima says as he does the same as me.

*Frog girl*

I grab a glass and put water in it. "Goodnight!" I say to my friends. "Oi! Shitty hair! I'm gonna be there in a sec." Bakugou says. He walks towards me and I honestly get kinda scared. "W-what do you want...?" I ask him. "He looks at me then smirks. "You like Bird boy don't you?" He said. My face goes red. "N-no! I-it's nothing like that!!" I say. "Than why are you so flustered huh?" He asks me. "I'm not! I- I mean!" "Your cup is overflowing." He says. He walks over to his sleeping bag and climbs in. I drink my water and walk over to mine too. How did he know...?

*Kirishima* Oh my god! I'm trying to hold in my laughter but it isn't working! I heard the whole conversation!! Hahahaha! "What's so funny Shitty hair?" Bakugou asks. "I heard everything oh my god!" He starts to laugh a little. "Go to sleep moron." He says, rolling his eyes. "Ok, ok, fine!" I say. I hug him and then drift off to sleep. 

*the next day*


I wake up and lay there. Midoriya is right next to me. I check what time it is and it's 5:00 a.m. I look over at the green haired boy next to me and smile. His messy green hair, his perfect little freckles. I kiss his forehead and start playing with his hair a bit. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and Mina is standing right there. "What are you doing here??" I whisper. I was honestly kinda angry. "I thought it was cute!" She whispered back. "Go away." I said hugging Midoriya. She goes away and wakes Uraraka up. Midoriya's eyes start to open. His eyes are so beautiful... I love him so much.


I open my eyes and see Todoroki looking at me. He's playing with my hair. I blush and cover my face. "H-how long was I asleep?" I asked through my hands. "For a wile." He said smiling. I started to blush even more. "Todoroki~kun! Why didn't you wake me up??" I asked. "Because you looked so peaceful!~" "w-whatever!" I say. He stands up and helps me get up. How did I deserve someone like him!? He's the best... "PANCAKES!!" We here Kacchan yell from the kitchen. "BE CAREFUL! THEY COULD BE POISONED!" Todoroki called out. "Todoroki! Don't say things like that!" I say. I don't want Kacchan to kill him... "I WILL KILL YOU ICYHOT!" "DO YOU WANNA FIGHT!?" He asks. "T-todoroki! No..." "I WILL FIGHT YOU!" He yells. "Todoroki!" "I WIL-" "TODOROKI!" I yell. He looks down with shock. "No fighting!" I say. "Fine... no fighting..." he repeats. I kiss his cheek and go to the kitchen. I grab my pancakes and sit down. "Let me make sure it's ok to eat." Todoroki says. I hold up the fork to my mouth. "Don't you dare..." he says. I inch the bit of pancake closer to my mouth. "Midoriya no." "Midoriya yes." I say. I eat the bit of pancake and chew. "DoNt SwAlLoW iT!!" Todoroki yells. I give him a closed eyes smile and swallow the pancake. "Thanks for making breakfast Kacchan!" I say. "Whatever shitty Deku." I look at Todoroki and he's just staring at me. "Why are you trying to kill yourself?!" He asked. "I'm not!" I said with a smile. "He made breakfast so I'm eating it!" Iida and Uraraka look worried as well. "The Deku protection squad has failed..." Uraraka said. "Poor Midoriya..." Iida says. "Izuku... why didn't you listen to me...?" Todoroki asks. Me and everyone else here look really confused.  "Huh?" Everyone but the three say...

To 🐝 continued. Yay. I'm donee! Finally... ;-; goodbye everyone..

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