What... just happened...?

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Hi. This is still the crappy story I'm making... I'm sorry. If you don't wanna read this you should skip to... whenever I stop making this. Oof. ;-; forgive me for making this thing that helps my boredom. Imma wright the... thingy now... I don't even know what to call it anymore...


Wait. I need to beat Pikachu little- "we're here Katsuki." Finally. "Ok. Whatever..." I say, like I don't care. I do though. I care about being there with Kirishima! I love him so much! "What should I bring?" He asks. He sounds really excited. I smiled a bit until he looked over. "Were you just smiling??" He asked me. "N-no! I wasn't smiling!!" Oh god! I'm blushing so much right now! I don't know what it is but I'm blushing like crazy!! "Awww!" I here him say. He jumps into my arms. We crashed onto the floor laughing! "Haha! I love you Katsuki!" I smiled and said, "I love you too Eijiro." 


I get off of him and start finding thongs to bring to the sleepover. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." "Ok!" Bakubro walks into the bathroom. Perfect time! I grab a stuffed fox and hide it in my bag. A little bit later I'm done packing. "Hey Bakubro, can I come to your dorm to help you pack?" I ask. "Sure." Yay! When we get to his dorm I go to the kitchen. "Can I have some spicy curry? Pleeeeeaaaassssse??" I ask. He makes the best spicy curry! I gotta admit that it's better than my moms! "Fine. There's some in the fridge if you wanna heat that up in the microwave." He replied. "Thanks Katsuki!" I see him smile as he walks away. A few minutes later I walk into his room and find him parking a stuffed animal. I see his face go right red. I'm glad though... I'm not alone... "so, you can't sleep alone either huh?" I ask with a friendly smile. "U-uhm. N-no." He looked at the floor. "Mmmh. This is really good Katsu-" I get interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry, let me take this." He nods as I walk into the other room and eat the curry. "Hello?" I ask. "It's Mina! Did you not check the phone number name!?" I here Mina ask. "Sorry. I'm eating curry and I was talking to someone so I didn't check!" I responded. Now that I think of it Mina was the only one who knew about me and Bakubro. Until Denki- wait! Oh no! He's gonna tell all of the Bakusquad! "MINA I NEED TO CALK YOU BACK!" I yell. "Oh! Is everything-" I hang up before she says anything else. "Denki! Don't you dare tell anyone!" I say when he picks up. "About what?" He asks. I can practically here in his voice that he's grinning. "YOU KNOW WHAT!" Bakugou yells from his room. "Ok, ok. Fine. I might have told Jirou though..." ugh! Of course he did! He tells her everything! Then an idea popped up in my head. I walk over to Bakubro and tell hi my idea. He snickers and falls off of his bed trying to not laugh. (A/N I do that to sometimes TwT) I let Bakubro say the first part. "Of course you did! You love~ her!" I try not to laugh when I say my part. "When are you to gonna *snicker* get married??!" Me and Bakubro burst out in laughter. "Wait what did they just say!?" Was that... JIROU?! "Holy crap they did!" Midoriya said. "HAHAHAHA! Are you in the common room?! With your speaker on?!" I ask. "Y-yes..." I here him say. Oh my god! Hahaha! "We'll be done in a minute!" I say. "Hey get back here, Mina!" We here Denki say. I hang up and go to the kitchen to rinse my dish out. I grab some orange juice and pour some for me and Katsuki.


Eijiro walks in with two cups orange juice. I drink mine and stand up. "Cmon' it's almost 7:30." I say. "Ok!" Kiri says as he stands up. He grabs our cups and puts them in the sink. "I can wash them later!" He says. "I'm gonna wash them." I say as we walk out of my room. "Hello!~" Ugh. I forgot croissant was gonna be here. "Hey Aoyama!" Eijiro says. "Why we're you in Bakugous room? *kero*" frog girl asks. "Oh I wanted to help him pack!" He said with a smile. I sit down on the couch waiting for others to come so we can arrange car situations. Everyone is finally here and it turns out some parents decided to help. They drove us. I see miss Midoriya. But... she's crying...


My mom walks in and she's crying! "Mom! Are you ok??" I ask worried. "She looks at me and smiles. "I'm ok hunny! *sniff* I just haven't seen my little Izuku in so long!" She said. "Mom, I not little anymore!" I said with relief in my voice. I thought she was hurt! She scared me for a second there! "Oh, I know. You're just growing so fast!" I hug her. Then here Todoroki. "Hey Izuku? Can you help me over here. There's burning trash. He's glaring at me and I don't wanna die. At least not with you in my life." I blush. Then he sees my mom. "Uhmmmm... nice to meet you miss Midoriya...?" He says.

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