Kill me. Please. I will not take "no" as an answer.

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"WHAT THE HELL IS THE "DEKU PROTECTION SQUAD"!?!?"  Kacchan yells. I almost feel like I should be holding him back but... I don't exactly want to die at the age of 15, almost 16... "The Deku protection squad is a squad that protects Deku!" Uraraka says, glaring at Kacchan. "We help protect Midoriya!" Iida~kun says, doing his usual hand chop things. "We failed." Sho says, looking at the pancake like it had threatened him. "Calm down guys! It's just a pancake! He wouldn't poison the pancakes! That's not hero like!" I say trying to calm the three down. Iida and, Uraraka sit down. "Shoto Todoroki. SIT." I say with a serious look. He sits down pouting. We finish eating breakfast and all head to our dorm rooms. Iida and Uraraka went to get groceries and me and Shoto did the dishes. "Hey guys!" Mina calls out to us. We look up from doing the dishes and then right in the second Mina snaps a picture of us.


YES! I got the picture! "Why did you do that?!" I hear Midoriya ask with surprise in his voice. "Oh, you'll see!" I say, walking out of the room. I go to my dorm and feel a tap on my shoulder. "Huh? Oh hi Tsu!" I say looking at Tsu. She was wearing a long pale green dress. "Why are you wearing a dress?" I ask raising one eyebrow. "Uhm... well... it's for a special occasion.. *kero*" she says. She looks embarrassed. "What's wrong, Tsu?" She looks at me. "I'm just scared that people won't thing I look good." She never worries about her appearance. "Where are you going?" I ask. "A wedding." She says. "For who??" I ask with excitement in my voice. "Oh. I don't know. One of my moms friends. They're really formal. *Ribbit*. I'm scared that I won't be formal enough. They said that we could invite one person so I was wondering if you could g-" my eyes lit up and I answered before she even finished. "YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!" 


Wow. I guess she really does wanna go huh? *ribbit* "Ok! It's at 11:30. *kero*" she hugged me and ran off. "Bye Tsu! I gotta get ready!" She called out running to her dorm. I go to my dorm and get ready. I did my hair and put flowers in it. I put a necklace on and a bracelet. "Hmmmm. What else do I need? *kero*" I ask myself. *knock knock* "Come in!" I call out. Mina bursts into the room. "I'm sooo excited!!" She says. I smile. "I am too! *kero*" she smiles at me and helps me with my makeup and fixes up my hair a bit. "Thank you Mina! *ribbit*" she smiles at me and walks over to my bed. "It's 10:15. Do you have a ride?" She asks, sitting down. "My mom is going to drive us there." I say. "Ok!" I look into the mirror. "Is there something wrong?" Mina asks. "No. Just nervous. *ribbit*" I say looking at her. "Hm... It's gonna be ok! You look beautiful!" I blush a little. "You think so?"


She's... so pretty. I start to blush a little and then I calm myself down. "Mhm!" The sun is shining right on her face. I check my phone. "It's almost 11:00!" She looks at her phone. "My mom just told me she'll be here in 15 minutes! *kero*" we walk outside and wait. After a little bit her mom is here. When we get there I start to feel really anxious as well...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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