Here you go. I'm bored so imma post this.

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Henlo. Shit I forgot what happened. Sorry about my language. It's the middle of the night and I'm tired but I can't sleep. 

Ok, I checked and now I know what happened last page! What a cliffhanger that was... *sigh* imma shut up and write the fanfic thingy. 

*Bakubro- Bakugou.*

"It's ok Kirishima..." I say as I look at him. His face is buried in my chest. "Hey... stop crying..." He looked at me and just sat there. We sat there for about a couple of minutes just staring at each other. "Bakugou..." I here Kirishima mumble. "What?" I said in a calm voice. "I.... I really, really like you." He says. I know that! He told Mina and I overheard them so I already know that! "I know you idiot." I say. "Heh. *sniff* s-shut up." Kiri says as he starts to blush. "No." I say, playing with his hair. He looks cute with his hair down. He hugs me and I hug him back. 

*a few months later*


Me and Katsuki have been dating for 2 months. It took us 1 month to actually ask each other... I can't focus in class because he's sitting right in front of me! He looks so... beautiful... his hair, his eyes, his face! He's just amazing! "KIRISHIMA!" Mina yells in my ear. "W-what!?" "Class is over!" Oh my gosh! I totally got lost in my thoughts about Bakugou that I didn't realize that class is over! "Heh. Sorry, Mina!" I rub the back of my neck. "It's ok. I was gonna have a sleepover at my house tonight since it's Friday and all of the class agreed but you! Can you come?" A sleepover? "Yeah, sure. What time?" I'm surprised Iida said yes. "Oh! 7:30!" She said. "We will have dinner don't worry! You don't need to eat before it if you don't want to!" I nod my head yes and walk out of the classroom. "OI! SHITTY HAIR!" I hear Katsuki yell. "Oh! Hey man!" He walks towards me. I keep walking up to my dorm. "So you agreed to the sleepover?" I asked him. "Yeah. But only because I knew you would say yes." He told me. It made my heart pound. "R-really??" I asked. "Yeah. Why else would I go!?" I chuckled and shrugged.

*Bakubr- ok imma give up on calling him Bakugou. Bakubro*

Cute idiot. Why does he have to be so cute...? Uhg! Stupid cute Kiri! *sigh* I love him though. "Can I come to your dorm to help you with packing for the sleepover?" I ask. I didn't actually want to help. I just wanted to be with my Kirishima. "Sure dude!" He looks over at me and smiles. So bright!! Ahhh! I thing I'm gonna die from how bright he is! "You're so lovable you know that?" I ask him. All of a sudden we hear a small fan girl/boy/person squeal. "Huh!?" I turn around and look at the person behind us. "PIKACHU?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I ask/yell. "Ppppht!! Hahaha! I uhm well. I- hahaha! I saw you guys and I wanted to scare you so I went up to you until I heard your conversation! Hahahaha!" I could feel my face heat up. I looked over at Kirishima and his face was more red than his hair! "I'm gonna leave now!!" I just stand there unable to speak. I feel a hand on my arm and I see Kirishima dragging me to his dorm.

Ok. I'm lazy and I'm getting tired so imma leave it at that. I'm sorry. Oh. And I gave up on calling Bakubro... Bakug- Bakugo- Bakugou. ;-; imma just call him Bakubro. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this lovely piece of trash that I'm making! Goodbye for now! OwO

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