Chapter 3

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"Really?" Tam shouts as he walks into my makeup trailer at the end of our filming day. "You went on a date with a Broadway guy?"

"Two dates actually, and how did you find out about that?" I asked, pulling off my huge dress.

"Idina let it slip." He shrugged, and I looked at him carefully. If looks could kill.

"You're not even my boyfriend. I hate you, and you hate me. I'm breaking up with you, get ready." I spat, running out of my trailer.

He followed me, screaming, "watch your back. I'll bash your reputation in a second." It didn't help that we were in front of the imperial, and the cast was starting to watch our fight. "Break up with me, and everyone will hate you. You won't have a job, or any friends left. Think about it."

I'm in tears now, but I'm not sure why. I push through cast members and paparazzi, sprinting to my apartment building and up the stairs instead of using the elevator.

I slam the door shut, leaning against it and falling to the floor. Why am I crying? I hate Tam, and I love Ramin. Everything should work in my favor. I guess it's just because he said he would bash my reputation. I have nothing without my reputation.

I heard a soft knock on the door. "Sie?" I smile immediately at Ramin's pet name for me that he had thought of on our date. "Are you okay? Can I come in?"

I jump up, throwing myself in his arms after opening the door. He carried me inside, shutting the door.

Ramin sat me down on the couch and stroked my hair. "What's wrong, Sie?"

"I don't know." I groaned, looking up at him and wiping away my tears, which he began doing. He rested his hand against my cheek, and leaned in slowly.

It had only been a day since we last kissed, but I missed his lips so much. I closed my eyes, laying my head on his chest.

"Why don't you go get changed, and then we'll watch movies, okay?" Two dates and he already knew me so well.

I went into my room and put sweat pants on, also throwing on a tank top. My hair was put into a messy bun at the top of my head, and I wiped my makeup off.

My phone was blowing up with threatening texts from Tam and angry texts from my manager, and his.

I threw it across the room, going back to Ramin. We curled up under a blanket and started watching Mean Girls.

"I'm sorry." I apologized randomly.

"For what?" Ramin asked, looking down at me.

"I'm not sure, it just felt like the right thing to say now." Ramin chuckled, kissing my head.

"You don't need to say anything to me, Sie." Ramin cooed.

I laid my head on his chest and lull to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, it was to someone banging on my door. Ramin was still next to me, and woke up as well.

"Ugh. It's probably my manager." I groaned, pushing myself up.

As I predicted, my manager started screaming at me. "You're crazy Sierra!" I rolled my eyes, slamming the door closed.

I sat back next to Ramin who was yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Too much stress." I groaned, and he put his arm around my shoulders. "I can't wait until this movie is over and I can break up with Tam."

"You only have like, a week left anyway." Ramin shrugged, and I nuzzled my head into his neck.

I smiled contently, closing my eyes and falling back asleep.

Ramin made me feel safe. He made me feel like I was floating on air. He loved me, genuinely. We had only gone on two dates in the past week, but I felt so strong for him.

I love Ramin, with all my heart.

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