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Hello! This is my first book so sorry if it's bad😅 thanks for clicking tho☺ if you don't wan't any of the following kindly click out of the book thank you

(The person who inspired me to publish my book♥ Miinyoongii5873)

•It may have self harming
•eating disorder
•maybe a little sad

I'll add more warning in the future if I added something in the story line☺

Edit: it's already completed! ^ω^ ]



Jimin woke up when he heard his alarm go on,he turned it off and yawned for a few seconds before he got off the bed,he did his morning routine and cooked breakfast for his brother

Jimin's house,yea his and his younger brother's house that he purchase by himself for his brother and him to live in cause his Mom and Dad are A little abusive

Before Jimin leave he went to his younger brother's room

"Jihyun-ahh wake up You'll be late if you don't get going"Jimin said as he shake his younger brother's shoulder lightly

Jihyun woked up after a few seconds sitting up yawning

"Good Morning Jihyun,Breakfast is in the kitchen I'll be get going"Jimin said smiling sweetly as he fixed his sleeves up and clunging his bag to one of his shoulder holding the strap of it

"Good morning Hyung"Jihyun said sleepily

"You going to school already hyung?"the younger added as he rubbed his eyes and Jimin chuckled and ruffled the younger's messy,bed hair

"You know my secret Jihyun-ahh and Mr.Bin said he want to hear me play every morning after he saw me after playing the piano,and of course with my mask still on"Jimin explained and ruffled his now dry hair

"See you at four Jihyun have a nice day in school,the money is on the counter"Jimin said kissing the other's temple before getting out the door

"Love you bro,You worked hard just to get us out of our parents house even if Dad made big scars on you..."Jihyun said and Jimin stopped at the door

"I love you too Jihyun,thats why I got you out of there and don't worry about the scar It's in the past even if It's still craved in my skin"Jimin said as he looked back at his brother who is in the edge of crying

"Don't Cry Baby Bro Atleast I protected you every time Dad Tried to Hit you,and look at me now I'm alright"Jimin said as he smiled at his brother who smiled back

Jimin sent a flying kiss who made the younger giggle before he made his way out the house he's glad he bought his masks,his masks are different they have voice changers in them so they can't hear his real voice,he put one on

"Oh,Jimin!"He heard a familiar voice as he walked so he turned around and saw One of his friends from the other school Kim Taehyung

"Good Morning Tae"Jimin said his voice deep now

"Remove the mask fella The ones that are studying at Your school might see you and where you live"The other said and Jimin quickly removed his mask and put it in his bag fastly

"Much better,now see you after school Jiminie Need to get ready for school"Taehyung said and thats when Jimin realized that Taehyung is still in his pajamas

"Aish! This kid Hurry go back to your home!You walked with me but you're still in your pajamas"Jimin said as he chuckled

"Sorry! See ya Minnie!"Taehyung said as he run which Jimin shook his head to

Jimin walked for a little while before he reached the school and saw few students in already and the Bodyguard,Mr.Bin is already beside the hallway

Jimin walked in as he greeted the body guard who greeted back smiling, he walked in and saw few students go in their classes and library,he walked in the music room after he put his bag in his locker without anyone noticing,before he walked in he put on his mask,he approached the piano and sat on the leather

He started to think of what he will play,he likes the pianist YIRUMA the most so he picked one song that he first played in the piano first day,and also the one that held his feelings,Kiss the Rain

The piano is heard through out the music Room cause of the school's halls and music room are a little echoy

Outside the music room

As Soon as they heard the piano they all stopped what their doing and listened to the piano

"He's a talented kid...I think he let out all of his feelings in each note he play"the guard Mr Bin whisperd listening to the piano almost crying

There's always a student that Admire the Masked Pianist cause all note that is played is expressing of emotion

The students are all listening almost in verge of tears cause if they heard this Song,they always remember the bad things that happend to them but as long as the pianist is playing songs for them they love the music

Back to Jimin

Jimin is in tears while he played the piano, tears rolling down his cheeks under the mask,he had his eyes closed glancing at his hands that he had on the piano for a few seconds,he paused a little and knowing the song will end he played the last keys and let his arms and hands went limb and made his head fall forward

He heard the footsteps of the students in the hall get slow and quiet knowing that he made them relax,he looked up when he can feel someone is approaching him

"Are you the Masked Pianist?"A boy with pale skin asked as he got closer to Jimin who just nodded

"I-"before the other can say something someone walked in the music room,the boy turned around and saw his best friend

"Yoongi hyung!"Hoseok,Jung Hoseok said as he approached the older

"What do you want Hoseok,I'm just about to ask the Masked pianist but luck is not on my side"Yoongi,Min Yoongi whispered the last part

"But Hyung I think he already left few minutes ago cause theres no one on the piano right now"Hoseok said as he looked at the piano who had no one sitting infront of it,Yoongi turned around and frowned a bit before The bell rang

They rushed out the music room then to their class,Jimin following quietly behind them he left his mask in the secret locker in the music room that only he know

He runned to class and luckly he's not the only one late Kim Jong-in known as Kai is late too stumbling as he made his way to the class so Jimin helped him

"Thanks"Kai said smiling but Jimin just nodded and smiled slightly

They entered the class and apologized to Mr Choi for being late,and since Mr Choi is always letting the students pass for being late in a few minutes,


Hope you enjoy the chap sorry It's short😅 I will update tomorrow if I can (^v^) bye bye see you on the next chappy ♥ throw my love if you don't want it (T▽T) just tell me if I made a mistake in my grammar(^ω^)



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