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"Oh no...."Jihyun whispered as the others came closer to him thats when they saw the mask


*flashback before Jimin 'disappeared'*

Jimin woked up from his phone that have notifs,he opened it and saw that It's a text from Jin saying that they have the weekends their day offs

He did his morning routine and also showered,he's about to grab the book he just bought to read after he cook breakfast for him and his brother when he saw an envelope laid beside it,he let go of the book and picked up the small white envelope

Jimin opened the envelope and saw a letter,he opened it and recognized that It's his father's writing


Ah,Good Morning Son
You already know that It's a bad day today,well incase you forgot That I told you yesterday that this day will be a bad day for you,I will never betray a promise son,you know that

Now I just wanna say,we'll be taking you,hang out with your friends one last time as,MJ I will peak to on eof the trees to signal that your time is over and you should leave them,and if you ever betray me You know what will happend,I'll make sure to torture them all and do the most fun part if they are totured enough,kill them

That all I wanna say,more like demand,see you in a few hours son

-Your Appa


Jimin signed hiding the letter with the past letters in the drawer of his study table,he made breakfast for him and his brother silently

His brother showed up in the kitchen a few minute later and just after Jimin finished cooking

"Got a day off hyung?"Jihyun asked smiling and Jimin nodded smiling back

The two ate breakfast Jimin watching his brother every minute

"You going to show your face soon hyung?"Jihyun asked putting down his fork that he used to eat the pancakes Jimin cooked

Jimin got his and his brother's plates and went to wash them in the sink and he answered as he did so

"Maybe,and I think I trust them"Jimin answered smiling slightly as he wash the plates and forks

"Wanna hang out with them in the forest? And Jin hyung and MJ"Jihyun said chuckling at the last part as he peeked at the side of his brother cutely

Jimin chuckled and pinched the younger's cheeks making Jihyun pout cutely

"Of course Hyun"Jimin said as he dried the plates

And the day went on by that

*end of Flashback*

{The next chap will be the present}

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