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"You work at WHAT?!"They heared a familiar voice said and the couple turned to him

"Jin hyung..."Jimin said quietly

"WHO MADE YOU WORK?!"Jin asked,well more like shouted

"Shh hyung...and no one..."Jimin said and lowered his head as Jin sat a little away from Jimin as Yoongi put his arms on Jimin's shoulders

"Arg...Jin hyung..what's with the shouting and who made who work?"Hoseok asked as the three turned to them,yes them,the others are behind them

"Who made Mochi work?!"Jungkook and Taehyung sad at the same time and Jimin chuckled

"Its..It's myself..."Jimin said as the other sat beside them

"Wait.."Yoongi said and Jimin already know what the older is about to say

"I know what you're gonna say Yoongi hyung,and yes I do work at the Choi's eat all the way..."Jimin said and the others' eyebrow raised

"Wait....Hyung! You are the one that serve our food! Aren't you!"Jungkook said and Jimin looked at the younger with a sad smile before nodding

"Yes..I am that guy who served you guys' food"Jimin said

"Then that means...you are also the one that the manager scolded?"NamJoon asked slowly and Jimin nodded

"yes...and also the manager who choked me with raspy food and made my thoath have scratches...cause I...I cough blood"Jimin said slowly and the others frowned even more

"But don't worry guys! Atleast I purchased the phone I got Hoseok hyung,the Gucci shoes that Taehyung wants,Jungkook's computer and games,Jin hyung's clothes,NamJoon hyung's speaker and Yoongi hyung's laptop!...also you guys' tuition fees and the needs of all of you"Jimin said while smiling and the other's hearts broke at what Jimin just said

"So all along...all these months...it's you who bought us those..? And what do you mean our tuition fees? Aren't Our Parents doing those?"Yoongi asked and Jimin looked down playing with the hem of his shirt

"Well I talked to them and said I can handle all of you guys"Jimin said and the others and him talked about him for a few hours,what i mean few hours is they reached 10:00PM

Jimin is already rubbing his eyes as he changed to a big sweater,well Yoongi's sweater,Yoongi pulled Jimin to the bed and laid with the younger,he snuggled in the younger's neck as he hug the younger's waist

"Good night baby.."Yoongi said and kissed Jimin's neck,getting a soft snore after which made him chuckle quietly before drifting to sleep

The next day

Jimin woke up and flutter his eyes open,he saw Yoongi looking at him and he smiled

"Good morning angel"Yoongi said kissing Jimin's nose making Jimin giggle who is rubbing his eyes

"Morning hyung"Jimin said

"What time is it?"Jimin asked and Yoongi looked at Jimin's phone on the bedside table

"seven thirty-two"Yoongi said and Jimin groaned

"What's wrong baby?"Yoongi as he and Jimin sit up,Jimin streached and rubbed his eyes

Jimin's phone rings and he signed before picking it up

"Hey officer Park,and yes your accepted to be a part time cop"

"Really?"Jimin said happily as he ruffled his hair

"Yes Officer Park,and you can stay at home,we'll call you if we need you in a case and an outrun,I'm looking forward on working with you Park,but mind explaining the last name? If you don't mind of course"

A smirk made their way on Jimin's lips before saying: "and if you're thinking about the KP,Killer Parks' grandson then you're right"

"Y-y-you're their grandson?"

"Yea,need anything more?"Jimin asked as Yoongi back hugged him and kissed the part where his neck and shoulder met

"T-that's all Mr Park uh bye"

"Hm bye Officer Seo"Jimin said before hanging up

"Who's that?"Yoongi asked and Jimin hummed

"Officer Seo Sangmin"Jimin answer before he made his way in the bathroom

The two brushed their teeth and showered,well More like Jimin dealing with a pervert Yoongi who wants to shower with him,as Yoongi made his way out the bathroom he saw Jimin with small knives,throwing it at the way hitting the same spot over and over again,he checked Jimin out as he doesn't know Jimin know he's staring

"You done staring at me?"Jimin asked still throwing the two more knives before looking at Yoongi who is blushing at his clothes

Jimin looked at his clothes and laughed,he's wearing an openside sleeveless shirt and shorts,well his biceps are kinda still there and showing and the cuts on his back showed a little

"C'mon hyung,you've already seen me"Jimin said and Yoongi made his way to him and kissed him

Yoongi felt cold metal on his chest and he looked at it and saw a small knife and laughed cause Jimin is red at the make out sesion...Yoongi got a little carried away

"Don't worry angel,I won't make you scream....yet"Yoongi said before Jimin smack his arm lightly

The two made their way downstairs of course with Jimin's phone,he may have a duty call,they all ate breakfast with laughing and telling Jimin that they quit his jobs for him,not knowing that he's a cop already and told the cops to say he'll quit his jobs to the managers,as they finished Breakfast Jimin got a phone call

"Hey Officer Park,Theres an explosion here in Mapo bridge"

"Copy that"Jimin said and left his plate on the sink before getting his keys

"Where are you going Jimin?"Jin asked

"Duty calls"Jimin said before disappearing out the door

The others look at each other before Yoongi realized where Jimin work

"Oh I think I know where he works"Yoongi said and the other looked at him

"Where?"they all said in unison

"He's a cop,he just talked with an officer this morning"Yoongi said simply.


Just one chappy left 😉 and maybe I'll add bonuses or something

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