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'Before I get killed...'


"Ah...finally so we got to see the one that play piano for us everday"Mr Kim said smiling

"Yea...and before I do that,I wanna explain something to them"Jimin said looking at Yoongi then the students

"Before you guys judge and hate me,I just wanna say,just because you're jealous or you hate someone cause of no reason doesn't mean that you can beat that person up and treat him like a trash"

"Like even if you don't know their secrets or what are happening to the person out your view,don't get your anger out of the person you hate for nothing and assult them,you should be just talking it out if you have problems,not letting it out to a person"

"don't ever judge a person just because of his or her appearance,don't assult a person just because he or she like the same gender,every time you make a bad move to others,you will always regret what you did,just cause the person is smart doesn't mean that he or she's a nerd already,thats all I wanna say...and I know cause it already-"Jimin said before taking off his mask and ruffling his hair,hearing gasps

"I felt it"Jimin said looking at Junsu

"Right...Junsu?"Jimin added and all looked at Junsu

"Uh..er..yea..."Junsu said and Jimin chuckled at him

"Don't worry,I forgave you alot of times already"Jimin said and Junsu's eyes widend

"But-"Junsu is cut off by Jimin

"Junsu...You have a hard time too and I let you use me as your punching bag cause I want you to let your anger out on me"Jimin said sweetly,and Junsu smiled at him and he smiled back

"Jimin! So It's you"Mr Bin asked walking to them

"Yea Mr Bin"Jimin said and Mr Bin went to hug Jimin making Yoongi pout cause of jealousy,Mr Bin saw this and smirked pushing Jimin lightly,turning the younger around and pushing him in Yoongi's arms

"Mr Bin!"Both Yoongi and Jimin blushed,and all the people in the room started saying teasing 'ooh's and 'Jimin and Yoongi sitting on the tree-'s

The two let go Jimin hiding his face but eventually gave up when his face started heating up more,so he burried his face in the older's chest, alot of 'cute's are heard around the music room

After that,at home

"Ah son"Mr Park said as he saw Jimin on the sofa curled up in a ball

"Yea Dad?"Jimin asked,btw Mr Park agreed on Jimin calling him 'Dad'

"I'm moving out in a week to our house in busan again"Mr Park said and Jimin stood up and hugged his Dad

"Why are you suddenly hugging me bud"Mr Park chuckled hugging his son back

"I never hugged you in years"Jimin said looking(up)at his father

"you're so cute!"Mr Park said pinching Jimin's cheek,making Jimin laugh

"What about Jihyun,Dad"Jimin said as he saw Jihyun behind their dad

"Ahh he's adorable"Mr Park said and Jihyun's pout disappeard

At night(10:27)

Jimin woke up as his phone rings,Jimin is grateful that the boy cuddling him from behind didn't woke up,he got his phone and saw the unknown contact that call him every night so he will wake up and after he decline the call the unknowm contact will text him

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