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〚 third person 〛


"Momo-chan, can you go sit over there?" Seno, the man who worked within the small bakery/cafe, asked as he pointed at a smaller table in the corner. Momo glanced up, meeting Seno's eyes. He had to physically look away or he'd cave in to her puppy dog eyes. "Some people want to sit here, but they all can't fit together."

Surprisingly, Momo nodded and stood up from the large booth to sit at the small table in the corner near the window. He was shocked that she willingly gave up her table, despite usually putting up a small fight for it.

It was currently the weekend, and Momo was in one of her moods. It started after she ran into her an old classmate from her first year of junior high on her way home from school yesterday.

"Masaki-san?" The name rolled of the girl's tongue in disgust as Momo went stiff. The small brunette slowly turned around, facing the girl who openly glared in her direction. It made Momo slightly shrink instinctively. "I knew it was you, you slut."

Hearing that word made Momo flinch slightly, recalling her entire first year of junior high that revolved around that word.

"Are you still whoring around? I bet you are with that slutty outfit of yours." The girl spat, referring to Momo's uniform that was pinkened. It made Momo grab the hem of her skirt and cower slightly. "I can't believe you even have the guts to show your face in public after what you did."

"Reiji-kun should've just ruined you when he had the chance." The girl muttered, walking away from Momo who trembled, hating the way his name made her feel. It left an icky feeling in her stomach as her chest ached and her throat tightened. I feel like I have to throw up.

"Are you okay, Momo-chan?" Seno's voice made her snap out of her small trance and return to earth. A weak smile graced her lips as she avoided his eyes, knowing he was good at reading her emotions. He was like the father/brother/family she never had.

"Yeah, I just ran into someone mean yesterday." Momo admitted half-heartedly, lying somewhat. She wasn't going to tell him that she knew who the person was.

After a short, simplified explanation, Seno nodded and patted her head gently. "It's okay, Momo-chan. You're perfect the way you are. You don't have to worry about what others think of you. The ones who love you the most will accept you no matter what."

Momo nodded, feeling like he was kind of right. Other people's opinions didn't really matter.

Unless if it's Senpai's opinion.

The bell above the door chimed as the door opened. Seno turned away from Momo to glance at the door and stood up. Momo's eyes curiously glanced in the direction of the door and felt her eyes widen when she spotted him. Tsukishima stood in front of the counter with his wallet in hand. He pointed at the strawberry shortcake in the glass display and watched as Seno placed it on a small plate.

"Tsukki-senpai!" Momo greeted, brightening up as soon as she saw Tsukishima. She pranced over to the male excitedly, bouncing beside him. His head turned in her direction when he heard his name and her distinctive voice. "What a coincidence to see you here!"

The blond male nodded, handing Seno the money he needed to pay for the cake. Seno handed him his change, smiling at the male with a nod.

"Come sit with me!" Momo suggested, pointing at the table that was made for two people. Tsukishima hesitated for a moment, unsure if he wanted to be sitting with the underclassmen who was constantly doting on him.  "Pleaseeee!"

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