- seven -

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〚 third person 〛


Momo sat in her classroom with her bag in her lap. Lunch had begun about two minutes ago, and she wasn't sure where she wanted to sit to eat lunch. The females within the classroom were glaring so much that it was getting quite uncomfortable.

Standing up from her seat, she made her way over to the door and opened it up. She stepped outside the door and closed it behind her, making her way down the hall with her bento in hand.

As she turned the corner, she bumped into another student and quickly apologized. "Sorry! I didn't see yo-"

"Just the person we were looking for!" Yamaguchi greeted as he patted Momo's head as an apology for bumping into her. Her smile gleamed as she looked up at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"What're you doing here?!" She exclaimed, happy to see Tsukishima during her break. Due to students beginning to look in their direction, Tsukishima snatched her wrist and began to drag her away from there.

"Wait, my legs are small!" She complained, tripping since her small steps didn't compare to Tsukishima's large strides.

A small snicker exited his lips as he glanced back at her. "Now you admit they're small."

"Tsukki-senpai!!!" She whined, being pulled through the roof door. He let go of her, making his way over to the usual spot where he and Yamaguchi ate lunch everyday. "Wah?! What's this?! Are you guys gonna throw me off the roof for being annoying??"

Yamaguchi stifled a laugh, shaking his head as he pushed Momo in the direction of their small spot. "We're eating lunch, that's what we're doing."

Momo's eyes were wide as saucers as she stared at her senpais with shock. This must be a dream.

"It's not a dream. Hurry up and sit down. Break isn't gonna last a lifetime." Tsukishima scolded, hitting the back of her knees. She buckled for a moment before properly taking a seat.

"Why so suddenly..." Momo trailed off, looking at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who glanced at each other.

Yamaguchi smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was only natural since you always make Tsukki lunch, so why not enjoy it together?"

His lie was so shaky that it made Tsukishima physically facepalm.

She's been making them for six months yet you use that excuse now? Tsukishima thought as Yamaguchi internally scolded himself for being such a terrible liar.

Momo glanced down at her bento, smiling weakly. "You guys found out I have no friends, right?"

Her words made both males go stiff, awkward at her straightforwardness. Yamaguchi was the one to break the silence by awkwardly laughing and nodding.

Momo's eyes met theirs as a small smile graced her lips. It was faint and quite untrustworthy since it seemed as if it would disappear any second. "You're not pitying me, are you?"

"Eh?" Yamaguchi rushed to reassure her that this wasn't pity. "No! We didn't do this because of pity-"

"So then, you guys were worried for me?" Momo asked, lightening up upon hearing that this wasn't a pity party.

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