- sixteen -

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〚 third person 〛


Tsukishima stared at himself in the mirror as he wiped his damp hair. Hanging the towel around his shoulders, he threw the door open and walked out into his room.

"Oh," Momo said as she lifted the book up to cover the bottom half of her face. It was barely below her eyes as she admired Tsukishima's exposed upper half. "Itadakimasu."

Tsukishima nearly snickered at that comment. "Shut up."

He turned away from Momo, opening his closet to find a shirt to wear. As he searched for a shirt, he was unaware of Momo's sly glances.

The chair slightly swiveled as she pulled her legs up to her chest, resting the book on top of her knees. She craned her neck to look above the book at Tsukishima's back muscles that were defined.

Itadakimasu. She thought as she gulped slightly, averting her eyes when Tsukishima turned around. He smoothed his shirt out, walking over to Momo who flipped through the pages of the book in her hands.

"You didn't come here to learn about dinosaurs." Tsukishima muttered as he snatched the dinosaur book out of her hand, placing it back on the shelf where it came from.

Momo petulantly sprawled the upper half of her body on his desk as a groan escaped her lips. "I don't wanna study!"

Tsukishima whacked her on the head with a notebook he pulled from his back. "Then why'd you even come here? Go home if you're not gonna study."

Momo pursed her lips sullenly, not wanting to go home just yet. "I wanted to go to your house."

A roll of the eyes came from Tsukishima who placed his notebook in front of her. On the page were a bunch of notes that were precisely on what part she failed. It was amazingly specific.

"Wow! Did you keep these from last year?" Momo questioned as she picked up the notebook, scanning the contents.

Tsukishima glanced off to the side, shrugging. Slowly, he replied, "Yeah, that's what I did." Like I definitely didn't stay up last night revising her test to make that.

Momo didn't notice the lack of truth in his words as she read through all his small notes and tips. It was exactly what she needed.

"Read that then do this worksheet, and we'll see where you are." Tsukishima said as he handed her a worksheet. She scanned the contents and nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

"I'll do my best!"

seven minutes later

"Tsukki-senpai. That asteroid is about to hit us and kill everything we've ever know, but I just want you to know I love you."

"I love you too, Momo-chan! I shouldn't have waited until an asteroid was coming to tell you!"

"Can you not mock my voice like that?" Tsukishima asked as he put down his book, glancing at Momo who was completely off task already. In her hands were two dinosaur figures she grabbed from the shelf above his desk.

"Don'r worry, Tsukki-senpai! I still love you nonetheless!" Momo made the small Compsognathus move towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tsukishima was quick to cut her little play time short when she began to make kissy noises with the two dinosaurs.

"Focus, idiot." Tsukishima scolded curtly as he snatched the dinosaurs from her hands and placed them on the shelf.

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