- twenty-seven -

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〚 third person 〛


"We're here!" Hinata shouted as he stared at the cabin before him. In unison, him, Nishinoya, Tanaka and Momo began to cheer. "Thanks, Momo-chan!"

Momo smiled sheepishly, swatting the air. "It was my father's idea. I just invited all of you guys!"

"Well, thanks for thinking of us, Momo-chan!" Nishinoya cheered as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Dragging her inside, everyone followed in suit.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to spend my birthday alone." Momo tittered softly, walking into one of the rooms where she'd be sleeping. Everyone worked out their arrangements, sharing rooms with the person they wanted to.

A knock sounded at her door, making her turn to face them. She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Tsukishima leaning on the door frame with his bag in hand. "Got room for me?"

Momo nodded, cracking a smile at the male who walked over to her. "Of course, senpai!"

He threw his bag onto the bed, ruffling Momo's hair gently. "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Swim!" Momo exclaimed, motioning to the pool outside the house. It was huge, like a lake.

Everyone unanimously agreed to go swimming and quickly changed into their swim clothes. Tsukishima left the room first, seeing as it was a quick change for him.

He found Nishinoya and Tanaka already at the pool, canon-bombing over and over. Yachi stood beside the pool, keeping a safe distance to avoid being splashed. Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita were sat on the other of the pool to enjoy the pool without being bombed every two minutes.

"Hinata's drowning." Tsukishima pointed out as he spotted Hinata's bright orange hair at the bottom of the pool.

"Nah, I'm stepping on him." Kageyama answered, glancing down at Hinata who was continuously smacking Kageyama's legs until he moved it.

"Bakageyama, you bastard!" Hinata shouted when he came up for air, pointing a finger at Kageyama.

"Boke! Hinata, boke!" Kageyama shouyed, starting a fight with Hinata who fought back.

"S-Shit.." Yamaguchi stuttered, gulping at the person behind Tsukishima. The blonde spun around, widening his eyes when he saw Momo walk out of the house in her bikini.

Since she was always dressed in loose fitting clothing, no one had seen her actual body shape. She was shockingly curvy with somewhat big...tatas that gave her definition. Her bikini wasn't too revealing, but it did outline all of her curves nicely.

"Holy fu-" Nishinoya and Tanaka said in unison, getting slapped by Ennoshita who was trying his best not to look at Momo.

"I brought some drinks and snacks." Momo exclaimed as she placed down a large tray of drinks and snacks. Tanaka and Nishinoya immediately dug in, sneaking glances at Momo who walked over to Tsukishima.

He was sat on the side of the pool with his feet in the water. His hands were placed on the ground behind him, supporting his upper half.

"What're you over here, senpai?" Momo asked as she sat beside him, putting her feet in the water. While her eyes were trained on the water ripples, his eyes flickered from her face to chest to abdomen to thighs to sky. He felt like a perv for wanting to look at her more.

"I'd rather not get splashed by those two." Tsukishima mumbled, glancing at Tanaka and Nishinoya who were still having the time of their lives. Now, Hinata and Kageyama joined in.

"C'mon, you gotta swim!" Momo exclaimed, nudging Tsukishima with her arm.

With a brief shrug, he nodded. "Okay."

He grabbed her shoulders, throwing himself forward while dragging Momo with him. He fell into the water, holding onto Momo who nearly drowned because she started laughing.

When they emerged moments later, Momo smacked his chest softly as she spluttered water. "I was still laughing, Senpai!"

"Whoops." Tsukishima replies insincerely, picking her up and dragging her back under. The rest of the volleyball team watched as Momo and Tsukishima splashed around in the water, surprisingly having fun.

Nighttime came around, and Momo and Tsukishima returned to the pool. Everyone had gone off to do something while the two aimlessly swam around the heated pool.

"You're like a prehistoric swimming dinosaur!" Momo grinned as she sat on Tsukishima's back, hanging onto him as he swam around the pool. "Spinosaurus, right?"

Tsukishima nodded, snigger lightly at her words. 'I'm not dinosaur, shorty.'

"When's your mom and Akiteru coming?" Momo asked as she rested her chin on his shoulder, looking at the water droplets that slid down his bicep.

"Tomorrow." Tsukishima replied, slowing down to spin in a circle with Momo on his back. A small smile graced his lips when he heard her cheery giggles as she held onto him tightly.

Tomorrow was Momo's birthday. As a small gift, her father had allowed her to take all of her friends to one of their homes away from Miyagi. So she took the entire volleyball team with her.

"It's 12 already." Momo mumbled as she nuzzled her face into Tsukishima's shoulder. The male hummed, nodding as he walked over to the infinity pool's edge. Grabbing Momo's hand, he gingerly pulled her off his back.

Momo obediently followed where his hand rubbed her, ending up in front of him with her back pressed against the small wall.

There was a brief silence, only the sound of water flowing stood between them. Momo's heart pounded in her chest so loud that she genuinely thought he'd be able to hear it. The way he stared down at her made her flustered.

"I've decided on my wish." Tsukishima said as both of his hands rested on either side of her, trapping her between him and the wall.

Recalling how they played pocky a while back and he decided to save his wish for another time, she swallowed thickly and nodded.

"I wish," He trailed off, letting his eyes flicker down to her lips then back up to her eyes. "For you to be my girlfriend."

There was a long silence as Momo tried to process the words she wasn't expecting. Her face turned bright red as her jaw slackened in shock.

"You might catch some flies like that." Tsukishima teased, losing his smirk when Momo jumped at him, accidentally bringing him underwater.

They both surfaced, wiping their eyes to properly see one another. Momo smiled brightly, throwing her arms around Tsukishima's neck.

"Of course I will, Senpai!" Momo exclaimed, nearly crying at the words that replayed in her mind. Tsukishima wrapped his arms around her waist, chuckling as he held onto her small body that clung to him like a koala.

"I love you, shorty." Tsukishima whispered, leaning back to see her face. Tears filled her pretty brown eyes, making the glisten like stars. "I have for a while."

The tears spilled down her cheeks. "I love you too, Tsukki-senpai!"

Tsukishima smiled genuinely, catching Momo off guard for a second. He grabbed her cheeks, leaning in as he pressed his lips to hers. It felt like the world stopped as they kissed, feeling all the built up emotions flow out.

He pulled away, letting a small smile linger on his face as he gazed down at her softly.

"God, I'm so in love with you, Momo."

Cue the tears.

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