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Its been a week since i brought sam in my pack and everything is going smoothly. We are still getting to know each other and im planning to take her on a date tonight to get to know each other  better, im thinkin about just a simple dinner date with popcorns and movies, just to make it simple because i have no idea how to date a girl.

"Maybe we can add roses and candles to make it more romantic"athena  suggested

"Im not really the romantic type but... Okay ill add some flowers and candles ill cook for her too. "

Athena and i have been talking for at least half an hour when i felt someone enter our territory i mind linked my beta send some warriors to see who entered my territory...

"Alpha we need you here.. This is urgent " i stood up and sped off to the  packs border to see whose the trespasser. As soon as i reached the border i saw my beta holding a letter, once he saw me he handed the letter to me i looked at the letter in my hand and read it..

"Dear Alpha Alexa,

         "You have made a big mistake by threatening  our pack now you have to face the consequences.. Your pack maybe bigger and stronger than ours but we will find a way to defeat you.... THIS IS WAR!!!.... "

As i read the letter i can feel my blood boil they dare to threaten me. But i couldnt help but feel scared not for me but for my mate we just met and this happend i dont know if i should tell her or not.

"Alpha do you know who sent the letter.? "My beta jake asked

"No. But i have an who sent it. We must prepare our warriors because any time they can attack us we must toughten up our security.. " i said

>>--------------------) time skip(>>}>>
      (author: okay im gonna skip the date part for now because i have no idea how to write it but i will make a part about it maybe in the next update maybe u can suggest what i will do because i have no idea i've never benn inlove soooo just continue reading) >>>>>

Its already five in the morning  i woke up early because i have to train my warriors i dont  really want to leave my mate but i have to.. And about the date it went good...

"Goodmorning Alpha the warriors are ready for you"jake said i just nod

"Okay we are here today because  there is a war coming the alpha of the cresent moon pack threaten our pack now we are here today because we are going to prove to them that we trully are the strongest pack in the world we must train to the fullest and the training starts NOW!! " just as i finish my speech they started training...
I just hope we win this war...


Author : sorry for not updating soon
I had a problem writing this chapter
Because my english is very good
But hope u like it.
The date part will be in the next update pls give me some ideas i could use because i dont really know how to finish this book im just trying my best to make each chapter..
Thank You Very Much....

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